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SocialKit v2.5.0.2 – The Ultimate Social Networking Platform

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About This File

SocialKit v2.5.0.2 – The Ultimate Social Networking Platform

SocialKit is a Social Networking Platform that consists of various features including Live Chat, Pages, Groups, Messages, Stories, Comments, Likes, Shares, Notifications, #Hashtags, @Mentions, etc. It allows users to socialize with each other, share with their favorite community, connect with their favorite brands, artists, celebrities, and much more.






  • Subscription Plans: Earn money from your website using Subscription Plans, offering paid-only access to Users for certain features.
  • Payment Methods: Lets Users pay you directly using their Paypal or Credit Cards.
  • Live Video/Audio Calls: Live Video/Audio Chat with your friends in Real-time.
  • Featured Users: Get featured on website (comes with Subscription plans)
  • Boost Posts: Boost your posts to reach more audiences.
  • Multimedia Upload: Upload a wide range of files: jpg,png,gif,mp3,mp4,pdf,zip,doc,docx and more
  • Themes: Change your website design however you like using Themes.
  • Reactions: React to posts in a variety of ways: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad & Angry.
  • Live Chat: Real-time live chat system like Facebook. Allows online users have live private conversation.
  • Messages: Send and receive private messages from other Users or Pages.
  • API for Developers: Develop android or iOS apps using API
  • User Timeline: Displays user’s public profile along with Stories, Photos, Events posted and shared by user, user’s current events and activities and more.
  • Page Timeline: Displays page’s public information along with Stories, Photos, Events posted by Page and more.
  • Group Timeline: Displays group’s information along with Stories, Photos, Events posted by the members of Group.
  • Cover: Dynamic & Draggable Cover for users, pages and groups timeline.
  • Home/News Feed: Displays Stories, Events, Photos posted by friends/followed people, pages, and groups. Also story filters and follow/friends suggestions.
  • Notifications: Receive notification whenever someone likes, comments or shares your post, mentions you in a post or follows you/adds you as friend.
  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by people and pages worldwide.
  • @Mentions: Use @usernames to tag people in a status.
  • Soundcloud, YouTube, Google Maps API Ready:
  • Likes: Like or unlike a post. View list of people who likes this.
  • Shares: Share or unshare a post. View list of people who shared this.
  • Search: Search for people, pages or groups.
  • Reports: Report stories and comments to be checked by administrators.
  • Privacy: Control who can message you, follow you, post on your timeline, confirm follow requests or not, etc.
  • Emoticons
  • Turn On/Off notifications for posts.
  • Verified Profiles and Pages.
  • Password recovery by email or username.
  • Fully responsive on all desktop, laptop, smartphones and tablets.
  • Fully interactive, dynamic and ajax-based.
  • and much more. (see live demo)
  • Love 1

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