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Everything posted by Aymeric70

  1. View File MoonLight - The Ultimate WoWonder Theme MoonLight is a WoWonder theme, It offers the best performance and advanced features for your site. Create a stunning Wowonder social network website, with ease using our user-friendly theme. And stand out from the rest with our feature-rich MoonLight theme. Attract and engage your audience like never before with our customizable MoonLight theme. Important: MoonLight Theme is supporting latest version of WoWonder Script. Features Better Layout for Albums, Profiles, Home, Settings, Events, and many others. Mobile Ready MoonLight theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device. Many More Changelog V1.1 (27 February 2023) - [FIXED] bugs - [UPDATED] Layout & Design Version 1.0 (15 February 2023) - Initial Release Submitter Aymeric70 Submitted 04/07/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/moonlight-the-ultimate-wowonder-theme/42819339  
  2. Version 1.1


    MoonLight is a WoWonder theme, It offers the best performance and advanced features for your site. Create a stunning Wowonder social network website, with ease using our user-friendly theme. And stand out from the rest with our feature-rich MoonLight theme. Attract and engage your audience like never before with our customizable MoonLight theme. Important: MoonLight Theme is supporting latest version of WoWonder Script. Features Better Layout for Albums, Profiles, Home, Settings, Events, and many others. Mobile Ready MoonLight theme is fully responsive and looks great on any mobile device. Many More Changelog V1.1 (27 February 2023) - [FIXED] bugs - [UPDATED] Layout & Design Version 1.0 (15 February 2023) - Initial Release
  3. @Omkar Ghurye You have to buy it before you can get the latest version, plus I have 2 official licenses. Of which I do not share in any case the file + license
  4. @Mahmoud : Here is the new (NULLED) 3.4 update Version 3.4 - 25 March, 2023 [Added] Subscriptions module [Added] Leads overview widget [Added] My tasks overview widget [Added] Option to merge 2 tickets into one [Added] Show tasks count and percentage in milestone [Added] Option to add 2nd reminder for invoice due date and overdue [Added] New email templates for different types of task notifications [Added] New permission to see notes in client portal [Added] GST Number in client profile and show on estimate and invoice [Added] Option to delete the ticket comments [Added] New email template for announcement notification [Added] Option to increase the kanban board size [Added] Download button for the note files [Added] Some new options in project cloning [Added] Show completed sub tasks count on main task on the kanban view [Added] Show parent task title on sub tasks on the kanban view. [Added] Role permission for client feedback [Added] Estimate reference in the invoice [Added] Option to show next and previous files in project files. [Added] Use main recipient's language to send invoice [Added] New template for invoice, estimate, order etc. [Added] Logo for companies to use in invoice, estimate, order etc. [Updated] Remove logo upload option in invoice, estimate, order settings [Updated] Update Codeigniter to latest v4.3.2 [Updated] Don't show project dropdown in expense modal of project details page [Updated] In add payment modal, show the remaining balance in the amount field [Updated] Improve UX of checklist in task details modal [Updated] Don't show inactive members in the event share with dropdown [Updated] Improve responsive design for mobile devices [Updated] Add more information on the All timesheets widget [Updated] Include the notes and hours in the timesheet export [Updated] User should not be able to open timer on same task while the timer is running [Updated] Integrate single Google API for Calendar and let other users to use that [Updated] Make the lead contact email as optional [Updated] Show the team members overview widget for allowed members [Updated] Update imap libraries [Updated] Reflect the client access permission settings in add/edit project modal client dropdown list [Updated] Update settings for Microsoft IMAP, SMTP [Updated] Implement REST API for Paypal (Need to re-setup the PayPal payment method settings) [Fixed] Missing variables in the email templates [Fixed] Wrong payment calculation [Fixed] Non-admin user can't access proposal templates even after permission [Fixed] Ticket sorting is not working [Fixed] Invoice item sorting is not working [Fixed] Don't show the client dropdown for the internal project cloning [Fixed] Some issues in RTL template [Fixed] Bug in client task update [Fixed] Non-project member user got project notification [Fixed] Last seen Team Members and last seen Customers widget [Fixed] Reminder icon is missing in mobile view [Fixed] Bug in public estimates [Fixed] Bug in invoice payment confirmation template [Fixed] Bug in checklist count. [Fixed] After adding a payment on invoices list, it's removing the monthly filter [Fixed] Error in proposal invoice conversion RISE-Ultimate-Project-Manager-and-CRM_3.4.zip
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Install your CodeIgniter application within couple of clicks. No need to have any knowledge about coding. Easy installation with database creation and custom SQL query creation. User friendly and responsive design.
  6. This sale includes both licenses, with the possibility of an installation included. Both license have not been used and are as if you have purchased the license. The support will be supported by my company via the official support for free.
  7. @Mahmoud So suddenly, for the manual installation, you have to download the files on the server, modify the part on the database: product_info {"version":"6.0.0", "code":"600"} The config file should keep the configuration since version 1.0.0 <?php /* Configuration of the site */ define('DATABASE_SERVER', 'HÔTE'); define('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'USERNAME'); define('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'PSW'); define('DATABASE_NAME', 'NAME'); define('SITE_URL', 'https://www.website.fr/'); As well as the .htaccess Options All -Indexes RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\.[^.]+$ RewriteCond %{HTTPS}s ^on(s)| RewriteRule ^ http%1://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?altum=$1 [QSA,L] <IfModule mod_expires.c> <filesMatch ".(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png|svg|webp)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=31536000, public" </filesMatch> <filesMatch ".(js|css)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public" </filesMatch> </IfModule>
  8. @Mahmoud Ok, so I have to redo the complete installation because (v1.0.0) because I had a problem with the whole script, it no longer displays or displays error 500. In which file is the clean bdd to install it annually?
  9. @Mahmoud : Ah okay, since version 18 I haven't had to do it manually, I agree, thank you 😉 manually that means going to the MySQL space and changing "product_info" = "19.0.0", "1900 " to "product_info" = "20.0.0", "2000"
  10. In version there are currently big bugs, updates cannot be installed (since version 17.0), and in version 19.0 users cannot register due to a 500 redirect error.
  11. @SlawkA Thanks for letting me know there was an update.
  12. @Dube : could you send me your private "ngnix" server configuration file for me to try? because it probably comes from there.
  13. @slkstyle Does it work with nulled versions?
  14. @Wondhash Would it be possible to work with you, in collaboration? Because I have my IT development company, and I would be happy to make corrections, which I have already started on the eLavenn theme. I thus made several additions, and still, to correct the compatibility problems, my never published following the copyrights on CodeCanyon
  15. I am selling two (2) licenses for the "ViserBank - Digital Banking System" script. I paid $59 (USD) for the script on CodeCanyon, which I end up having no use for. The script(s) were never used, just extracted from the zip file. You can thus have an overview of the script via the link below: Demo link => https://script.viserlab.com/viserbank/ Price: $35 (USD) / €35 (EUR) Payment method: Bank transfer, Credit card A purchase invoice will thus be possible. For those interested, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Warning: The script is therefore not provided, as well as the updates, but they can be found on the net
  16. I will soon released the update to version 6.2.0 Link => https://bootstrapstudio.io/pages/releases/
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