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Magd Almuntaser

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Everything posted by Magd Almuntaser

  1. Today I will upload the new version because it contains fixes for some problems.. It is an important update
  2. try this: wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa.zip chmod +x mpwa ./mpwa
  3. This is the messages of the verses of the Quran. Download this file and upload it anywhere on your site, let's say in the public folder. Open the file and edit your site data: $YOUR_WEBSITE = "http://yoursite/en/send-message"; // Your Message Gateway $API = "TZvmoMMVwHtvud2Q21drEmOlM3oXA1"; // API KEY $YOUR_NUMBER = "62812xxxxxxx"; // Sender Number $ALL_NUMBER = array( '6281222xxxxx', //'6282xxxxxxx', ); Note that there are other options.. $TAFSIR Here you can change the tafsir you want. You have three options (kemenag - quraish - jalalayn) $AUDIO Here leave it 0 if you want the message to be text, or make number 1 if you want it to be audio. $SHAIKH If you choose 1 in $AUDIO you can choose the sheikh whose voice the audio file will be, you can choose one of these sheikhs (alafasy - ahmedajamy - husarymujawwad - minshawi - muhammadayyoub - muhammadjibreel) $Message Here is the template of the message, how it will look when it arrives.. Remember that there are commands inside the message such as {{arabic}} which is the verse in Arabic and {{indonesia}} the verse in Indonesian and (Qs. {{Q}}:{{S}}) the number of the surah and the verse and {$TAFSIR} the name of the tafsir and {{tafsir}} the text of the tafsir.. Note: If you choose $AUDIO number 1, an audio file will arrive at the number without any text. After uploading the file to your site, you can go to cronjob and put your site link, for example, every hour: http://yoursite.com/quran.php *Ongoing charity for me and for you. *Sedekah jariyah untuk saya dan untuk kalian quran.php
  4. Were you looking for a check number if it is registered with WhatsApp company or if it is registered on your site? شوف هو بالاصل السكربت يوجد به هذه الخاصية فهو قبل ارسال الرسالة يتحقق من الرقم اولاً ثوم يقوم بإرسال الرسالة .. لكن اذا اردت ان تستخدمه بشكل منفصل لأشياء تريدها لنفسك فيمكنك استخدام نفس الرابط الذي وضعته انت لكن تحتاج لتعديل اشياء في النسخه سوف اصلحها من اجلك في النسخه القادمه .. سوف انزلها اليوم
  5. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ you don't see my DM? List Message: working AI BOT Multi Bot (All Function): working Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme): working see my msg
  6. Ok try with this command copy and past: URL=https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ]; then curl -ksSLO "$URL" else wget --no-check-certificate -O mpwa "$URL" fi chmod +x mpwa ./mpwa
  7. i told you .. you need to be root .. use this command first to be root: sudo su - and after that you can use this: URL=https://onexgen.com/mpwa/download/mpwa && if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ];then curl -ksSO "$URL" ;else wget --no-check-certificate -O binary "$URL";fi;chmod +x mpwa && ./mpwa
  8. Yes I am fixing them now and will release the update today. You were also supposed to be a tester, but you focused on the socket and forgot to test the other featuer 🤣
  9. Yes, you can, but from the database. Go to users and you will find the Limit_device field. نعم هناك خاصية موجود في السكربت للتأكد من ذالك .. لكنها موسعه قليلاً يمكنك استخدام هذه الطريقة: http://yoursite/info-device?api_key=1234567890&number=6281222xxxxx سوف تظهر لك النتيجه للرقم بكامل بياناته هل هو متصل ام لا وغيرها من البيانات التي سوف تظهر بهذا الشكل: { "status":true, "info":[ { "id":1, "user_id":1, "body":"628122xxxxxx", "webhook":null, "status":"Disconnect", "created_at":"2024-08-16T11:07:27.000000Z", "updated_at":"2024-08-16T11:07:27.000000Z", "message_sent":0, "chatgpt":null, "typebot":0, "reject_call":0, "reject_message":null, "can_read_message":0, "reply_when":"Personal", "chatgpt_name":null, "chatgpt_api":null, "gemini_name":null, "gemini_api":null, "claude_name":null, "claude_api":null, "webhook_read":0, "webhook_reject_call":0, "webhook_typing":0, "bot_typing":0 } ] } ان كنت مبرمج يمكنك عمل شرط انه اذا ظهر المحتوى الذي بالاعلى فهذا يعني ان الرقم موجود واذا لم يظهر فيعني غير موجود You were supposed to be the tester but you took care of the socket disconnection and forget to test the messages 🤣😅 I fixed some issues in messages. I will put them as an update today.
  10. yes same on page 43 and 40 .. about auto script .. you need to be root first you can use this command first: sudo su -
  11. Ok I will make a webhook random message from the Quran for all of you.. I will put it up today..
  12. yes export phone not working becouse i'm still working on it .. It doesn't work from the first release because it's incomplete. I will try to finish it in the next version.
  13. In short: The codes you are using in Google AppsScript are wrong and the problem is not with the webhook.
  14. The webhook is not used this way.. The webhook is the one that answers by itself.. but you make the google appscript send a reply message via the api to answer and this is wrong.. @Unicode translate my point to indonesian because i can't translate it because i know google not good to translate 😅
  15. Yes, my webhook works because it deals with the response from the webhook link should be in this form: {status: success, message: hello, qouted: false} But you are using the google appscript to send an api message to your number .. and not by responding in this form: {status: success, message: hello, qouted: false} Do you understand? I will try to explain to you more .. When you use the correct webhook, this is what the webhook looks like from the inside: <?php require 'ExampleManualMessage.php'; header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); if (!$data) { die('this url is for webhook.'); } $message = strtolower($data['message']); $from = strtolower($data['from']); $bufferimage = isset($data['bufferImage']) ? $data['bufferImage'] : null; $respon = false; // for text message if ($message == 'good') { $respon = FormatMessage::text('Hello, how are you ali?', true); } echo $respon; But you are using the google appscript when you send a message, it responds not via the webhook, it responds via the api to another number .. You are using the api, it has nothing to do with the webhook, do you understand? You are dealing with the api in google apps script to send an external message to your number.. and you are not dealing with the webhook
  16. The issue you have is not with the google appscript, it's with the way you are using the google appscript. You put a separate phone number in google than the one that will be shown in the webhook. I just tried your google appscript on my number and sent a message. The reply didn't come to my number. It came from another number. Your method is wrong with google appscript. The reply should be to the same number and not to another number.
  17. No, I am on your site now. My number is linked to your site. Try sending to my number. See how I use the webhook on your site.
  18. The idea is not suitable.. The latest version should be the stable and best.. So if there are problems in the new version you should tell me so I can try to sort them out for you and for others.. I know that you suffer from using a system without a control panel and also a proxy.. But specify to me what the problem is exactly and send it to me in private and I will try in the next version to be suitable for you I entered your site and saw your problem, your problem is that you put string in the webhook URL input .. webhook (URL) is to put a link to an external application and not a string It's not like autoreply .. autoreply puts a string But webhook is a link to an external application
  19. @Enno The Explorer i've tested now 8.0.0: Webhook Typing : working Webhook Delay : working AI BOT Multi Bot (All Function): working List Message : working. Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme) : Not working 🥲 becouse i've change the method for phonebook and i forget to include the numbers i will fix Campaign Eres & Eres Compact (Theme) now .. but you can use the old theme will work
  20. You should check with the hosting company, they have many problems 😅 All the problems you mentioned are closely related to the hosting you are using.. Slowness, heaviness, etc. are related to the hosting and not the script.. The script uses one thing, which is the socket. That is, it is only a port that sends and receives and has nothing to do with the slowness or heaviness of the site.
  21. I noticed that your hosting previously did not update properly, and this may be due to several problems, including that your hosting has restricted file placement (permissions, etc.) So you can download the full version from page 1 of the first post.. and make a backup copy of the .env file and the credentials folder to your pc from within your site.. and upload the compressed file and extract it to your site and return the .env file and credentials.. After you do this process, run these links: http://yoursite.com/migrate http://yoursite.com/view-clear http://yoursite.com/clear-cache you don't need to fresh install ..
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