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Magd Almuntaser

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Magd Almuntaser last won the day on October 22

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About Magd Almuntaser

  • Birthday 06/28/1989

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  1. I give you all permission to modify, add or remove the copyright or modify the name for personal use. If you want to sell the copy, please contact me first. This permission is for everyone, not just you, provided that the use is personal. However, if you want to sell the version, please contact me first.
  2. This version will not be released soon, because there are many people who violate rights without permission.. I told everyone to use the script for free, but if you want to sell the version or redevelop it, you must take my permission before that.. But there are many who did not follow these conditions, so this version 9.0.0 will be delayed until the DMCA cases that I filed against them are completed. To be more clear, there are two people who violated the rights by erasing all the rights and reselling the version under another name without taking my permission. There are thousands of modifications that I made in version 9.0.0, which have completely met everyone's needs, with many features, and I have not announced these updates yet.
  3. 3306???? This port is for mysql why you use it for mpwa!!! You need to change it to another port like 3200 or 3210 or any 4 digit start from 3 You can see the old posts here to fix your problem
  4. There is no installation doc but it will be provided in the new version 9.0.0 with video for installation in different platform like aapanel, cpanel, vps, directadmin and others But now you can upload the compressed file to your site, decompress it, open the site link and you will be taken directly to the installation link. You must be inside the topic to be able to search within it.
  5. Wait guys, I allow anyone to sell the script if they want but after taking my permission .. And @Bejo van de Bosch I gave him my permission to sell the script before, I think a month or more ago, but I don't know why he asked for permission again 😅 Generally, the script is 100% free. Even though it's free, you'll see that some people are selling it on Shopee, Tokopedia, and other shopping platforms. I understand that anyone selling the script is looking for an income, so I thought of licensing the script under the GPL and officially registering it through my company with the Indonesian government. This way, any sale will be authorized, and everything will be organized. I do not want any profit from anyone selling the script, it is 100% free. =================== Secara umum, skrip ini 100% gratis. Meskipun gratis, Anda akan melihat ada yang menjualnya di Shopee, Tokopedia, dan situs belanja lainnya. Saya tahu bahwa siapa pun yang menjual skrip ini mencari penghasilan, jadi saya berpikir untuk melisensikan skrip ini di bawah GPL dan mendaftarkannya secara resmi melalui perusahaan saya kepada pemerintah Indonesia. Dengan cara ini, setiap penjualan akan sah, dan semuanya akan tertata dengan baik. Saya tidak ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari siapa pun yang menjual skrip ini, skrip ini tetap 100% gratis.
  6. it's working on localhost without problem .. but you can't run it on a real website
  7. becouse you use localhost .. You must use your domain in the .env file, not localhost. APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other or APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=hosting
  8. See on the previous page, about (What's new in version 9.0.0 so far) The problem has already been solved in version 9.0.0
  9. Which one? The first or the second? and don't forget to use http on your link not https.. if not working try to change .env file: APP_URL=http://yoursite.com WA_URL_SERVER=http://yoursite.com:3100 PORT_NODE=3100 TYPE_SERVER=other If your hosting is anymhost.id then mpwa is not supported .. because it uses small v-ram..
  10. make sure this link is working if not working what mean your nodejs is not working: http://yoursite.com/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=P8QlgQA&sid=8mmxQVY6N_i7z_hCAAAE or: http://yoursite.com:3100/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=P8QlgQA&sid=8mmxQVY6N_i7z_hCAAAE and make sure you use http on your link on browser not https..
  11. Yes, I allow to sale this script, but after taking my permission, so that I know who is selling it to be organized..
  12. Yes, so you can contact WhatsApp and tell them to do this option.. because I have stated that all these features are available in whatsApp company and I have no way to program something that I do not own.. All these features are available in WhatsApp company and it is the one that controls their enable or disable.. The button feature or even the template will soon be removed permanently from WhatsApp company and we will remove it as well because WhatsApp is the one that owns its features and not us..
  13. It's already in all my releases, Look in the (test message) in the control panel it is there
  14. The version is licensed under GPL; it is 100% free, but there are restrictions. I will not mind anyone selling or modifying the version, but only after obtaining permission from me. Even if it's under a fake name and the version is put on Shopee, Tokopedia, or any other store sites, their account will be banned and I will not mind suing him in court, because I will sue them for selling the version without permission. ======== Versi ini berlisensi GPL; 100% gratis, tetapi ada batasan. Saya tidak keberatan siapa pun menjual atau memodifikasi versi ini, tetapi hanya setelah mendapatkan izin dari saya. Bahkan jika menggunakan nama palsu dan versi ini dijual di Shopee, Tokopedia, atau situs toko lainnya, akun mereka akan diblokir dan saya tidak akan ragu untuk menuntutnya di pengadilan, karena saya akan menuntut mereka karena menjual versi ini tanpa izin.
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