PixelPhoto is a photo sharing script, PixelPhoto is the best way to start your own photo sharing website!
PixelPhoto is fast, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Check out the Demo https://demo.pixelphotoscript.com/
User Features (Demo)
- Upload Images & Videos: Upload any image or video from your device and share it online
- High Performance & Capability: PixelPhoto can handle any amount of vidoes / images easily, with a very high performance and speed.
- WoWonder Integration: With one click, user can login to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
- Like: User can like videos or images.
- Comments System: User can comment on videos and images.
- FFMPEG: Limit the video upload duration using FFMPEG implemented features.
- User Profile: User can create his own profile and upload unlimted videos and images.
- SEO friendly: SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!
- Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel.
- Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
and much more…
PHP 5.5 or Higher.
GD Library.
What's New in Version v1.6
See changelogReleased
v1.6 2022-01-12
- ADDED FFMPEG debugger.
- ADDED SMTP debugger.
- ADDED Flutterwave payment method.
- ADDED wasabi storage system.
- ADDED backblaze storage system.
- ADDED the ability to choose withdrawal method.
- ADDED developer mode to admin panel.
- ADDED the ability to set minimum withdrawal request.
- ADDED Yoomoney payment method.
- ADDED login with TikTok.
- ADDED the ability to create and generate sitemap.
- ADDED the ability to import reels from TikTok.
- ADDED Google Vision API to filter nude posts.
- ADDED two authentication system.
- ADDED CDN support.
- ADDED the support to translate terms of use pages.
- ADDED the ability to disable terms pages.
- ADDED 3 SMS providers.
- ADDED FFMPEG conversation speed settings.
- ADDED support for image/webp.
- ADDED more APIs.
- UPDATED All PHP libs.
- FIXED sharing posts with hashtags appear distorted on the main feed.
- FIXED the avatar on the profile page shows double url and cannot be displayed once remote storage like amazon s3 is turned on.
- FIXED If amazon s3 enabled gifs appear broken.
- FIXED showing broken social links in settings page.
- FIXED agora live and video calls.
- FIXED few issues in blog system.
- FIXED explore page showing old posts if there are boosted posts.
- FIXED if s3 is enabled, social login doesn't work.
- FIXED user can't resend
- FIXED can't change "Boosted Post" value from admin panel.
- FIXED contact us form not sending emails.
- FIXED only first Navigation works in "Manage Site Advertisements" in admin panel.
- FIXED copy and paste using right click doesn't work in admin panel.
- FIXED some files are loaded remotly, now all files are loaded from the same server.
- FIXED can't login to site again if maintenance mode is enabled + two auth.
- FIXED email validation system, user was getting empty string in email.
- FIXED files are not deleting from Digitalocean.
- FIXED coinpayments system.
- FIXED can't edit languages from admin panel.
- FIXED when user share a locked post, it shows unlocked on user's profile for everyone to see.
- FIXED Twilio calls.
- FIXED Business accounts not getting approved.
- FIXED If you enabled pro on sign up, all links will stop working using ajax load.
- FIXED 20+ minor bugs
- IMPROVED speed.
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