Nazmart – Multi-Tenancy eCommerce Website Builder SaaS PHP Scripts. It use Separate Database for each Tenants, so that your website load fast, has option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 2 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to eCommerce website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. it also has 20+ payment gateway, will more than 150currency support. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
Laravel 9x
Required PHP v8.0
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
Password Hashing
Avoiding SQL Injection
System Requirement
This script need VPS to run it properly. System Requirement
Backend Framework: Built
on Laravel 9x
Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4x
Requires PHP >=8.0
Requires MYSQL >=5.7
Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
eCommerce Module
eCommerce is neccessary for now a days to run any kind of business, most of the user are online today. multisass comes with Advance eCommerce module support where you user will get, advance inventory, advance shipping, advance coupon, advnace tax, promotional campaign creationg support, it also support multiple variants for product with additional price and image.
Product Variant Module
User can create as much as product variant for products, also can set price for variant, if your product has a variant to select user can not add to cart without adding product variants.
Online Book, License, Gift Card, Digital Product (Coming Soon)
The script has gola to bring up with more types of product uploading system such as online book, digital license, gift card, audio-video and digital products
Inventory Module
One of the cool feature come with this ecommerce script which is inventory you can manage your individual product inventory with this cms, you can add your stock while insert a new product also you have option to manage inventory separately, you can change it from product edit as well.
POS System (Coming Soon)
To make online and offline business more easier we are bringing POS system very soon
Variant Wise Inventory Module
This script also support prodcut variant based inventory manage system, let’s say you have a product with 3 colors red, green, blue. now you can make separate invenotry for these three. colors it just an example, you have support for sizes, color, custom attribute ( means you can create as much attribute for youself to make it compatible with your product type ), it also support additional price for varint and image.
Custom Attibute Module
This script has great feature to add your own custom attribute which you can connect with inventory to manage inventory by your own attirbute, let say you are selling shart which has color, size and type, by default the script support size, color for inventory. now you can can create a new attirbute which name will be type. it will be now avialble in inventory as well. also it will be shown in frontend to choose by our customer when they order it.
Related Product Suggestion
When anyone goes to any product details page, system will start showing them related product that might your user interested as well, this will increase your shpping cart size, eventually will increase your sales revenew.
Advance Campaign Module
A verify handly Campaign Sytem has ben developed for this script, you can create campaigin for specific date time along with set date time for individual product with stock management and price. can show it in frontend via our drag & drop Page builder widgets.
Advance Coupon Module
You can set coupon based for a certain date time. can set it in a fixed amount or in percecntage. also has option to set coupon for specific products or specific category or specific sub category or based on cart ammount or shipping.
What's New in Version v1.2.0 NULLED
See changelogReleased
Version: 1.2.0
[Added] New one theme
[Added] WooCommerce module (Paid Plugin)
[Added] Plan wise payment gateway in admin sidebar
[Added] Particular script load from landlord to all tenant site
[Added] Image optimization for landlord and tenant
[Added] Landlord to tenant direct login system
[Added] Landlord to user dashboard direct login system
[Added] User to tenant admin panel direct login system
[Added] Plan purchase system direct from user dashboard
[Added] All tenant list with their status in landlord admin panel
[Added] Integration module added
[Added] On switch theme demo data import
[Added] Failed tenant auto cleanup
[Added] Site Health detector
[Added] Topbar settings added for some specific tenant theme
[Added] New one pagebuilder addon added for landlord
[Added] New hooks added for Plugin development
[Fixes] Product subcategory and child category are optional now
[Fixes] Shipping price bug fix
[Fixes] Product review issue fix
[Fixes] Landlord and tenant invoice issue fix
[Fixes] Create tenant customer account while checkout issue fix
[Fixes] Some RTL issue fix
[Fixes] Some CSS issue fix
[Fixes] Landlord and tenant timezone issue fix
[Fixes] Tenant product variant and attribute bug fix
[Fixes] Currency settings translation issue fix
[Fixes] SEO optimized
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