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Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon v1.2

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This addon provides course bundle facility to the Academy Lms Site admin. Through this addon, the admin can create bundles of the existing courses and sell the bundles at a new price in a subscription model. The admin can also set the subscription period of each Course Bundle. Students can subscribe to a bundle and access it’s courses and need to renew the expired bundles by subscribing again.

How it works

  • Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase course bundle subscription addon for academy lms from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal
  • After installation, the admin will get a new option name “Course Bundle” in the navigation bar.
  • The admin can create a new bundle by selecting existing courses uploaded by the admin.
  • Admin can set a new price to the created bundle.
  • Subscription days can also be selected by the admin which defines the active time of the bundle after each purchase.
  • Students will get a new option named Course bundles in their Courses menu.
  • From the Course bundles option, students can view and subscribe to their preferred course bundles.

Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon - 1

Benefits for admin & instructors

  • Admin can earn recurring revenue from the same course bundle through the bundle subscription system.
  • Admin will be able to get more profit since selling will increase with the course bundles.

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