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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×

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About This File

Pickbazar laravel ecommerce is implemented based on our popular react project pickbazar. It has both REST API & GraphQL API support. On the frontend we have used React, NextJS [ TypeScript ] & Tailwind. Full source code is available. It’s very easy to install and deploy. It’s very fast and your customer will love using it. It will help you to grow your business fast as it’s a very easy e-commerce solution. We have added good documentation and we tried to make everything extendable and reusable so you can edit as your own need. It has Omnipay support, we have added Omnipay Stripe but it’s easy to add others. It has cash on delivery support too. It has full admin support too to maintain and manage your order. You will get full source code, Frontend, and Backend. It has Multivendor support, you can earn money through that too. Enjoy :)


  • Laravel
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Apollo
  • React Query
  • TypeScript

Storefront Features:

  • Complete Authentication
  • Quick add to cart
  • Async full text search
  • Category based product filtering
  • Product grid for different types of product
  • Mini cart
  • Coupons
  • Quick Checkout page
  • Omnipay supported [ Stripe ]
  • Cash on delivery supported
  • User Account settings
  • My order
  • Banner Ads
  • React, Next & Tailwind based
  • Separate GraphQL connected Frontend
  • Separate REST API connected Frontend
  • Next SEO supported
  • SEO friendly url

Admin Features:

  • Analytics Dashboard
  • Manage Product
  • Manage Category
  • Manage Product Type
  • Manage Order
  • Manage Order Status
  • Manage Customers
  • Manage Coupons
  • Manage Taxes
  • Manage Shipping
  • Multi Currency Supported
  • Store Settings
  • Built with React, Next & Tailwind

What's New in Version v11.0.0   See changelog


Major Update

- [Enhancement] & [Shop end] Two new demos.
    - [Enhancement] & [Shop end] One new product grid for flash deals.
    - [Enhancement] & [Shop end] Pickbazar shop design facelift
    - [Enhancement] & [Shop end] Pickbazar shop Menu items updated
    - [Enhancement] & [Shop end] Pickbazar shop Footer updated
    - [Enhancement] Pickbazar admin dashboard design facelift
    - [Enhancement] Pickbazar vendor & Staff dashboard design facelift
    - [Enhancement] Settings page is divided into multi parts.
    - [Enhancement] User section divided into multiple layer for better management.
    - [Enhancement] Shop section divided into multiple layer for better management.
    - [Enhancement] Products section divided into multiple layer for better management.
    - [Enhancement] Settings cache system for performance optimization.
    - [Enhancement] Documentation updated    
    - [Enhancement] Database seeder added
        - Settings seeder with Console command
        - Demo FAQS seeder
        - Demo refund reason & policy seeder
    - [New Feature] Dashboard analytics section updated along with new analytics widgets
    - [New Feature] Product Preview system added.
    - [New Feature] Flash sale builder added
    - [New Feature] Terms & Condition builder added
        - Super admin can perform CRUD operation
        - Vendor also can perform CRUD operation if and only if super admin enable this feature from settings.
    - [New Feature] FAQs builder added
        - Super admin can add FAQs for global scope
        - Vendor can add FAQs based on his each shop
    - [New Feature] Refund policy builder added
    - [New Feature] Refund reason builder added.
    - [New Feature] Product inventory route added
    - [New Feature] Order transaction route added.
    - [New Feature] Real-time notification system using Pusher
        - Order notification
        - Message notification
        - Store notice notification
    - [New Feature] New filter option added in different routes
    - [New Feature] New Dashboard topbar
        - With route searching
        - Shop redirection & creating
        - Order, Store notice & messaging dropdown bar
        - New Profile navigation 
    - [Issue fix] Variable products issue fix on digital item
    - [Issue fix] Route permission issue fix for Vendor & staff
    - [Issue fix] Analytics issue fix on Staff user
    - [Issue fix] Drafted product republish issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Vendor page profile information issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Currency cache issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Product carting count issue based on available inventory
    - [Issue fix] Messege converstation page CSS issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Vendor root page shop grid issue fix    
    - [Issue fix] Variable product inventory increment/decerement issue fix based on ordering.
    - [Issue fix] Application fresh installation issue fix.
    - [Issue fix] OpenAI chatbot suggestion issue fix.
    - [Issue fix] Order status issue fix during order from different vendor
    - [Issue fix] Customer order details payment and order status fix in case of refund    
    - [Issue fix] Toast issue fix throughout the dashboard & shop project
    - [Issue fix] User order note issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Site logo issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Minimum order amount issue fix
    - [Issue fix] Multilingual issue fix for some text strings
    - [Issue fix] CSS issue fix throughout the shop end
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I run command 'php artisan marvel:install' but program required license key??? What is license key???
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