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Bicrypto v4.6.1 + All Plugins

phpFox v4.7.7 Pro + All Plugins - social network

(0 reviews)

2 Screenshots

phpFox is a powerful social community platform.  Regardless of whether your audience is addressing your community on your desktop, tablet or phone, your social content can perfectly adapt to any screen size.  Easy customization of appearance.  No coding required!  Our theme management system allows you to easily add, delete or edit any part of the website.

 /////////////////// List of plugins
 Announcement v4.6.0
 BetterAds v4.2.6
 Blogs v4.6.5
 Captcha v4.6.1
 CDN Service v4.6.0
 CDN v4.6.1
 CKEditor v4.2.2
 eGifts v4.6.2
 Events v4.7.1
 Facebook v4.6.2
 Forums v4.6.3
 Groups v4.7.5
 Marketplace v4.6.3
 Messages v4.7.4
 Music v4.6.4
 Newsletter v4.6.1
 Pages v4.7.5
 PHPfox IM v4.6.2
 Poke v4.6.1
 Polls v4.7.0
 Quizzes v4.7.0
 RESTful API v4.2.3
 RSS v4.6.2
 Shoutbox v4.3.1
 Subscriptions v4.6.5
 Twemoji Awesome v4.6.0
 Videos v4.7.4
 Single Device Login v4.2.2
 Activity Points v4.7.5
 AmazonS3 v4.5.5

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