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WHMCS - Web Hosting Billing & Automation Platform 8.11.2 NULLED

(2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

WHMCS  and above requires PHP 7.2 or later. You must be running PHP 7.2 or later in order for the Automatic Updater to show WHMCS 8.2.1 as available to install.

If you are running PHP 7.1 or earlier, to update to WHMCS  via the Automatic Updater, you will first need to upgrade to PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.3, and then Check for Updates and perform the update.

Once you are running WHMCS , you may upgrade to PHP 7.4 if desired.




What's New in Version 8.11.2 NULLED

See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

User Feedback

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when i click on payment procesors it loads untill gives an error of timeout

   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Fix auto logout 🙂



As a security measure, WHMCS evaluates a visitor's IP address against the expected value. 

To disable this temporarily:

  1. Go to the Security tab at Configuration > System Settings > General Settings.
  2. Check Disable Session IP Check.
  3. Click Save Changes.

If you cannot access the WHMCS Admin Area to view this page, run the following query against the WHMCS database using a tool like phpMyAdmin:

UPDATE `tblconfiguration` SET `value` = 'on' WHERE `setting` = 'DisableSessionIPCheck';

Switch to Database Session Storage

The system stores database session data in flat files at the location in the PHP configuration. Storing session data in a MySQL® database is desirable in some environment configurations and can assist with problems with file storage.