Introducing a new business idea:
Intro: Imagine wanting to communicate with the owner of a website, say, (www.doniaweb.com) you will have to click on “Contact Us” and type out your message in full. Our intensive research has shown that most people don’t like that. Having to type out your message in full is not interactive, effective and it really doesn’t communicate your entire message across. VoiceMondo Script changes all of that. VoiceMondo script comes with 3 very powerful modules that make it one of a kind: Voice Messages, Video Messages & Screen Recordings that can be received all directly from a website. Yes! you read right, all from a website. With the voicemondo modules, users can simply go on websites that have the shortcode and send Voice, Video and Screen Recordings. Below are 3 scenarios where you should need this.
- Own an Ecommerce shop? Well sometimes users purchase items, and sometimes theses items don’t look like what was posted online. With the video module, users can go on the website that they purchased the items from, and simply send a Video Message showing the product and the defects. You as the owner of the shop can simply reply back with a video message as well. This can cut down on items returned and a lot more. This also instills trust into the customer because there are more ways for communication.
- Do you own a complicated online web software? Are your users trying to navigate certain features? Well, with the VoiceMondo Screen Recording module, users can simply take screen recordings of them navigating any contents on the browser. Could be the software (asking how to use certain features) or anything.
- Paul wants to send a message to the owner of www.doniaweb.com, but the message appears to be very long. Paul is not very proficient in english because his first language is French. Because of this, an item like the Voice Message module can come in very handy. Paul can just send a voice message, rather than trying out a long message with potential typos.
Possibilities here are endless. The summary here is that these modules come in very handy especially in this day and time.
There are two ways you can go through in order to have this features or script.
Purchasing the script from here comes with all the features and materials to start your own business. You will be providing this service to your customers. Customers will come on your website, purchase a subscription, create a widget, customize it to their liking and add the widget to their website (Simply by adding a shortcode). Anytime this customers’ receive either a voice recording, video recording or screen recording from their website, they will receive an email. They can choose to have the attachment of the recording in their email, or they can sign in to your business website and check the recording. In order to reply using a recording as well, they will have to sign in to your website to do that. The script comes packed with a ton of features to have this going smoothly. There is also a strong admin panel that powers everything. So in other words, customers will pay you monthly for the service.
DEMO LINK: (www.VoiceMondo.com)
With this option, you don’t need to worry about running your own business with the script. You can just simply purchase just a monthly subscription (@ very affordable rates) and have the widget on your website in a few minutes. Based on the subscription you choose, you can be able to receive emails with recording attachments each time you receive them. In order to reply to a recording with a recording, you just need to sign back into (www.VoiceMondo.com) and reply with a recording. The script has a powerful portal that lets you customize your widget to any look you desire. So essentially, based on what plan you choose, you can have your customers sending you voice messages, video messages and screen recordings directly from your website.
- Voice Recording
- Video Recording
- Screen Recording
- PayPal Integrationg
- Stripe Integrationg
- Powerful Admin Panel
- Language Translation
- SEO Friendly URLs
- And More..
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