Launch you Dream Food Delivery App within 24 Hours, No need to wait use ready to use code and get it started.
Front End | Click Here
Restaurant Panel | Click Here
User Name: | Password: 123456
Admin Panel | Click Here
User Name: | Password: 123456
Download Android App | User App
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Feature Explanation
User Flow
- User should be able to register with social media (Facebook or Google) or with valid E-mail address, Phone No and Password.
- User should be able to complete his/her profile
- User should be able to login with social media (Facebook or google) or with valid email or Phone No and password.
- User should be able to re-set the password using registered mobile no by clicking the “Forgot Password”.
- New user can register by clicking “New User? Sign Up Here”.
- In the home page, list of Restaurants, category and cuisines will be displayed nearby your location.
- User should be able to view the list of “cuisines”, by clicking any category, user should be able to filtering the list of restaurant or category.
- User should be able to search the food according to the category, restaurant or cuisines.
User should be able to navigation, which contains the follows:
- Home
- Payment
- Orders
- Favorites
- Profile
- Referrals
- Help
- Faq
Restaurant Details:
- User should be able to view the list of cuisines with categories.
- If user wish to buy Food, user need to click “Add Cart” button.
- User should be able to view the restaurant details.
- User should be able to view the name of restaurant, cover image, rating, minimum delivery time, delivery fees, open/ closed status, etc.
- User should be able to see the list of reviews and ratings posted by other users. (Only the user who buy item at particular store, can able to post the reviews)
- User should be able to share the details via some social network like facebook, twitter, google plus, etc.
- User should be able to add store as favorites or remove from their favorites list by clicking the “favorite icon”.
My cart:
- list of products which are all added in the cart by user.
- User should be able to change the quantity of the food which added in their cart.
- User should be able to remove the food from the cart by clicking “delete” icon in each item.
- User should be able to clear all the food in the cart by clicking the “delete icon” in the top of the page.
- User should be able to click “checkout icon” to buy those item.
- User should be able to view the total amount to be paid with delivery charge and tax.
- User should be able to see list of added food.
- User needs to give necessary details to deliver the food.
- User need to choose delivery address to get it deliver on user door step.
My orders:
- User should be able to view their order history.
- When user clicking any of the order, user should be able to see full details of the order.
- In the order details page, user should be able to see delivery details, restaurant details, food details, status of the order, etc.
- Live tracking is available once the delivery person will got your order.
- User should be able to post review and ratings to the restaurant after the delivery.
- User should be able to re-order.
My profile:
- User should be able to view profile.
- User should be able to edit profile.
- User should be able to change their password
My Favorites:
- User should be able to see list of restaurant which are all marked as favorite.
- User should be able to remove the item from their favorite list.
My Addresses:
- User should be able to save three different address for delivery.
- While in checkout process, user should be able to select any of these addresses to make the delivery.
My Offers:
- User should be able to view the list of offers.
- User should be able to view offer code, validity from date, to date and offer description.
Share App:
- User should be able to promote the app to their friends by clicking the “Share App” in navigation menu.
Restaurant Flow
- Restaurant manager should be able to register with valid E-mail address and Password from Web Browser
- Restaurant manager should be able to complete restaurant Profile.
- Restaurant manager should be able to login with valid email and password.
- Restaurant manager should be able to re-set the password using registered mail-Id.
- Restaurant manager should be able to register.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to see total number of categories, items, today orders and total orders.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to change status of their restaurant as Open / Closed by clicking the switch icon.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of new orders.
Restaurant Manager dashboard will be with following option.
- Dashboard
- Cuisines
- Menu
- Addons
- Food
- Order
- Report
- Setting
- Logout
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view their order history.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view full details of the order.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view delivery details, user details, food details, status of the order, etc.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to accept or cancel the order. Once order accepted, delivery request sent to all nearest delivery persons.
My profile:
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view/edit their profile.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to change the cover image and logo image.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to change their password
Manage Categories:
- Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of categories.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to edit/update the category.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to delete any category
- Restaurant Manager should be able to add new category
Manage Food:
- Restaurant Manager should be able to see the list of food.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to see item name, category, image, etc.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to edit/update the food details.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to delete any food
- Restaurant Manager should be able to able to add new food
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view the sales report.
- Restaurant Manager should be able to view total amount, admin commission and restaurant amount for each order for selected month and year.
Driver App:
- Driver should be able to login with valid mail id or Phone No and password.
- Driver should be able to Re-set Password.
- New Driver should be able to register by clicking “Register Now”.
- Driver should be able to register with valid E-mail address Phone No and Password
- Driver should also need to provide their name, phone number and vehicle details.
- Driver should need to upload the required documents like driving license, insurance document for verification.
Home page:
- By default, after login driver’s current location will send to server.
- Driver need to make him available online/offline
- Driver should be able to view the total number of deliveries completed and total amount received in current day and overall deliveries also.
New delivery:
- Driver should be able to view the list of delivery requests. Driver should be able to either accept or Reject Request.
Pickup Location:
- After accepting, map will appear to show the direction for driver’s current location to the store location.
- Driver should be able to view the restaurant name, Order id.
Delivery Location:
- Drier should be able to view user name, order id. If any clarification driver can make call to user.
- After reach drop location, driver needs to click “Verify OTP” button.
Delivery Finished:
- Total amount will be displayed in the screen.
My Deliveries:
- Drivers should be able to view finished and accepted deliveries
- Driver should be able to view pickup and delivery location, status.
Manage Vehicle:
- Driver should be able to view and update vehicle details.
- list of document’s and picture are available which are uploaded by Driver.
My profile:
- Driver should be able to view profile.
- Driver should be able to update profile.
- Driver should be able to update password
Admin Flow
- Admin should be able to login with valid username and password
- Admin should be able to reset password in case he/she forgot
- Statistics of order and foods
- Top 10 Orders
- Total No of Order, Total User, Total Restaurant,All Earning, All comission, Total Cash payment, Total Online Payment, Total Active Orders, Total On Going Orders etc.
- Admin should be able to manage all orders
- Orders are filtered by User and date
- Admin should be able view order in details
- All Order
- New Order
- Completed orders
- Admin should be able to add and manage Restaurant
- Admin should be able to active and inactive the Restaurant
- Admin should be able to search Restaurant by Restaurant name
- Admin should be able to specifically choose Restaurant and update details
- Admin should be able to add and manage the invoice
- Admin should be able to filter the invoice
- Admin should be able to export invoice
- Admin should be able to view invoice by
You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.
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