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Bicrypto v4.6.1 + All Plugins

Fiverr Clone Script + P-STORE template

(0 reviews)

1 Screenshot

Features :

* Features Job

* Features Job Category

* Advanced Notification System

* Job Stats Bar

* Seller Rating

* Job Rating

* Country Flags

* Multiple Item On Orders

* Job Level

* Pay to Feature Job

* Currency Maintain

* Amazon S3 Module

* Paypal, Payza, Stripe Payment Gateway

* Custom Payment Gateway

* Attach Files

* Multiple Language

* Order Tracking


Much More Exciting Feature

Demo : http://topvid21.com

Use Login :

username : pabu

password : .gpajt

Admin Login :


username : pabu

pass : .gpajt 


Script Requirement:

Php 5.6+

Ioncube 10 Loader



Installation :

Upload The Script On Public_Html Or Your Root Directory

Create Mysql User & Database

Open /include/config.php 



Replace with the path to your public web directory. 



Replace with your domain name where you are going to install the script. 



Replace with your SQL host. 



Replace with your database username. 



Replace with your database password. 



Replace with your database name.

Import scriptolution.sql into your newly created database for the script.

Upload all files in the public folder to your web server's public directory.

CHMOD 777 the following files and directories:












Setup a cron job on your server to run once every hour of every day.

The command to run will be in the following format:


Where PATH-TO-PHP is the local path on your server to php and FULL-LOCAL-PATH-TO-DOMAIN is the full local path on your server to where you have the script installed. 

You will need to contact your web host if you do not know how to create a cron job on your server, as it varies depending on the control panel your web host uses.

Installation has now been completed. You may access the admin control panel via http://www.yourdomain.com/administrator/index.php

Login: pabu

Password: .gpajt

The installation has now been completed.

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