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Bicrypto v4.6.1 + All Plugins

GigToDo Mobile Android App

25.00 EUR

(0 reviews)

1 Screenshot

NB: Apps Require GigToDo v1.5.3 and above to work.

GigToDo mobile apps are finally ready for sale. The app is built with the powerful and popular programming language called flutter, which was created by Google. Our team is very knowledgeable with this programming language which means we will consistently build in newer features and always improve on the stability of the app.

With the GigToDo mobile apps, any GigToDo owners can easily connect the apps to their own copy of the script. We have created an extensive documentation to help with this. Some of the features implemented on the app are:

  1. Push notifications for orders
  2. Post/Manage Request
  3. Purchase proposals with different payment gateways
  4. Inbox Messaging
  5. Order management and order messaging
  6. Power search system
  7. Review & Pay custom orders
  8. Notification system
  9. Invite users feature implemented
  10. Support System
  11. Update online status
  12. Terms and service/Privacy Policy

Please watch this demo video of the app

Either watch the video below or click here to watch it.

Download and test app. Click one of the links below to download demo app, or search “GigToDo” on either App Store or Playstore.

Demo Login Info:

Username: Pat

Pass: Pat

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