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Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects v3.3.0

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Welcome to Xilacner, your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and efficient freelance marketplace. Crafted with the powerful Laravel framework, Xilacner is designed to cater to both freelancers and clients, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for all users. Whether you are aiming to launch a full-scale freelance platform or a niche job-posting site, Xilacner is your go-to choice

What's New in Version v3.3.0

See changelog


[ADDED] Admin login page url prefix settings inside admin panel.
[ADDED] Email verification settings inside admin panel.
[ADDED] Subscription reminder settings inside admin panel.
[ADDED] job box not uniform enhanced feature.
[ADDED] Testimonial box not uniform enhanced feature.
[ADDED] Why work in our platform section box not uniform feature enhanced.
[ADDED] Freelancer profile page all reviews added pagination without page reload.
[ADDED] Site speed optimization for large data.
[ADDED] Client subscription system added (previously only for freelancer).
[ADDED] Provide an option to admin prevent live chat without subscription.
[ADDED] Prevent disappear all notification one click. add read status only visited related notification details page. (for admin, client, freelancer).
[ADDED] Real time notification number count without page reload.
[ADDED] Prevent multiple order submit and accept feature enhanced.
[ADDED] Real time message show for short description field in experience section on account setup page.
[ADDED] Add real time message for job filter page for min and max budget.
[ADDED] Add real time message for category job filter page for min and max budget.
[ADDED] Add real time message for subcategory job filter page for min and max budget.
[ADDED] Add real time message for skill job filter page for min and max budget.
[ADDED] Xendit payment gateway added
[ADDED] Project activate real time notification to freelancer by admin.
[ADDED] Project deactivate real time notification to freelancer by admin.
[ADDED] Project reject real time notification to freelancer by admin.
[ADDED] Freelancer order submit real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Freelancer get subscription reminder notification automatically from the system.
[ADDED] Client order request revision real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Client order accept real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Client get subscription reminder notification automatically from the system.
[ADDED] Client order milestone accept real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Client order milestone accept push notification to admin.
[ADDED] Client order milestone request revision real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Job activate real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Job reject real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Order hold by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Order Unhold by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Order hold by admin real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Order Unhold by admin real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Order decline by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Manual order payment confirm by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Client account suspend by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Client account unsuspend by admin real time notification to client.
[ADDED] Freelancer account suspend by admin real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Freelancer account unsuspend by admin real time notification to freelancer.
[ADDED] Verify client email address by admin real time notification.
[ADDED] Verify freelancer email address by admin real time notification.
[ADDED] Freelancer new support ticket real time notification create by admin.
[ADDED] Freelancer support ticket Close real time notification create by admin.
[ADDED] Client new support ticket real time notification create by admin.
[ADDED] Client new support ticket Close real time notification create by admin.
[ADDED] Client job proposal real time notification send by freelancer.
[ADDED] Now job create real time notification to all freelancers those are related new job post.
[ADDED] Freelaancer new order real time notification using wallet by client.
[ADDED] Freelaancer new order real time notification using digital payment gateway by client.
[ADDED] Freelaancer new order real time notification using manual payment.
[ADDED] Freelancer custom offer create realtime notification to client.
[ADDED] Freelancer custom offer order create realtime notification while client accept and create order.
[ADDED] Order accept by freelancer client real time notification.
[FIXED] Identity verification image load issue from cloud fix.
[FIXED] Freelancer image load from cloud for all proposal list page fix.
[FIXED] Freelancer image load from cloud for proposal details page fix.
[FIXED] Selected currency lists migration issue fixed.
[FIXED] Promoted type translation issue resolved.
[FIXED] Paypal live mode not working issue fixed.
[FIXED] Subscription not found issue fixed.
[FIXED] Promotional email template character limitation issue fix.

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