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Bitrix 24 - Corporate Portal v20.0.0

20.00 EUR

(0 reviews)

4 Screenshots

1C-Bitrix24 - Corporate Portal - a company’s internal information resource management system for collective work on tasks, projects and documents, for effective internal communications.

This package is the package that has unlimited users that you can use for your business as you like

Version: 20.0.0 (Sources)

Installation Instructions:

1. At the root of the website, upload the file:
Rename and unzip the distribution archive on the ssh command line or using the hosting control panel with the command:
tar xzvf bitrix24_source.tar.gz
2. In the browser, run http: //name-your-site.ru/index.php
3. Follow the instructions of the installer;
4. On the encoding selection screen, ALWAYS select the UTF-8 encoding;
5. Follow the instructions of the installer.
6. Profit !!!

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