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ptcLAB - Pay Per Click Platform v4.0 NULLED

(3 reviews)

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ptcLAB is a Laravel Based Script for Pay Per Click business. You can run your own PTC, PPC, or PPV website within a minutes without any programming knowledge. Admin is able to set unlimited links from the admin panel, and when users click or view those they will get paid. It’s an online Earning Platform for both the Site owners and users. our system is fully dynamic, Easy to use, User Friendly, and 100% responsive.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

In the install folder in the index.php file you must edit the php version on line 39 where it says version is 8.3 if your hosting or localhost is php version 8.4 or 8.2 you must change that parameter

then on line 222 you must change the default sql version is 10.6, but if your hosting or localhost is version 10.4 or 10.3 you must change that parameter

as well as review line 227

then in the core - vendor - composer folder look for a file called platform_check.php and change line 7 for the php version of your hosting or localhost

example of the path: core/vendor/composer/chek_platform.php

if the php version is 8.2 use this parameter: 80200

8.3 : 80300

8.4: 80400

8.0: 80000

If you are working on localhost or on a server like Xampp you must

go to the core - app - Providers folder and look for the file

AppServiceProvider.php and edit line 90, change https to http if you are working locally.


You must take into account enabling the extensions that the faucet requires to work such as: GD AMONG OTHERS.

FOR THIS IF YOU ARE WORKING IN Xampp YOU MUST GO TO THE APACHE PANEL WHERE THE config button is, look for the file called php.ini, click on edit and look for each of the extensions that the faucet requires to work correctly, usually these extensions are with a semicolon; to activate that extension you must remove that semicolon and save changes. In the case of hosting you must consult with the hosting provider in case it requires it. Greetings and I hope you enjoy the faucet, if everything is configured correctly it works fine. I am testing it in local mode

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member


   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

I got error when uploading image or changing the images therre 

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