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The Shop - PWA eCommerce cms v3.4 NULLED

(1 review)

1 Screenshot

The Shop - PWA eCommerce CMS

Replace the file in vendor/mehedi-iitdu/core-component-repository/src/CoreComponentRepository.php with this code


namespace MehediIitdu\CoreComponentRepository;
use App\Models\Addon;
use Cache;

class CoreComponentRepository
    public static function instantiateShopRepository() {
        // $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        // $gate = "".$url;
        // $rn = self::serializeObjectResponse($gate);
        // self::finalizeRepository($rn);

    protected static function serializeObjectResponse($zn) {
        // $stream = curl_init();
        // curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_URL, $zn);
        // curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        // curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        // curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        // $rn = curl_exec($stream);
        // curl_close($stream);
        // return $rn;

    protected static function finalizeRepository($rn) {
        // if($rn == "bad" && env('DEMO_MODE') != 'On') {
        //     return redirect('https://activeitzone.com/activation/')->send();
        // }

    public static function initializeCache() {
        foreach(Addon::all() as $addon){
            if ($addon->purchase_code == null) {
            if(Cache::get($addon->unique_identifier.'-purchased', 'no') == 'no'){
                // try {
                //     $gate = "https://activeitzone.com/activation/check/".$addon->unique_identifier."/".$addon->purchase_code;
                //     $stream = curl_init();
                //     curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_URL, $gate);
                //     curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
                //     curl_setopt($stream, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
                //     $rn = curl_exec($stream);
                //     curl_close($stream);
                    if($rn == 'no') {
                        Cache::rememberForever($addon->unique_identifier.'-purchased', function () {
                            return 'yes';
                    // else{
                    //     Cache::rememberForever($addon->unique_identifier.'-purchased', function () {
                    //         return 'yes';
                    //     });
                    // }
                // } catch (\Exception $e) {
                // }

    public static function finalizeCache($addon){
        $addon->activated = 0;

        flash('Please reinstall '.$addon->name.' using valid purchase code')->warning();
        return redirect()->route('addons.index')->send();

What's New in Version v3.4 NULLED

See changelog


version : 3.4 (13/06/2024)

- Product Image Zooming implemented in product details page
- Convenient Shipping Zone is added
- Phonepe Payment Gateway is now available 
- Improved Meta Data for better SEO

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