Online Live Betting Management System platform also includes all of the management tools you’ll need to communicate with and manage your players at all stages of their lives.
1# Responsive Design.
2# One Click Registration.
3# Edit / Update Profile
4# Edit / Update Profile Photo.
5# Easy To play Game.
6# Easy Add Balance System.
7# Easy To Withdraw.
8# A to Z History Included.
9# ID to ID Balance Transfer.
10# Affiliation System.
11# Automatic Payment Method PayPal.
1# Dynamic Control Panel.
2# Advance Dashboard.
3# Add / Edit Site Title.
4# Add / Edit Payment Method ( Paypal Email ).
5# Add / Edit / Delete 7 Trade Ball Bet Game Schedule.
6# Declar 7 Trade Ball Bet Game Winner.
7# Manage 7 Trade Ball Bet Game Losser.
8# 7 Trade Ball Bet Winner & Losser List.
9# Full Control Of Head & Tail Game.
10# Head & Tail Game Winner List.
11# Live Cricket, Soccer, Hockey & Other’s Bet Creation
12# Manage Game Profit Ratio.
13# Fully Finance Management.
Hidden Feature
1# If Someone Bet any game Affilate’s get 10% Commision Instant.
2# Easy To Refer User system ( Check Affilate Option ).
3# 1 Coin = 1 Usd.
4# ID to ID Balance Transfer FREE.
Server Requirements
These are the following server requirements of Online Live Betting Management System:
- PHP >= 5.6.0
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
Online Live Betting Management System Installation
Step1: Upload to your host and unzip.
Step2: Create mySQL Database and upload SQL.sql (From Database Folder).
Step3: Goto File Manager and Copy Paste Database Information at ../function.php File.
Step4: Change Site Contact Email Address From ../contact.php.
Step5: Run your system now.
Betting Game’s Details
7 Trade: Its an Ball base betting game, there are 1 to 9 ball’s. user can bet amount on those ball’s. admin can mark winner & loser list from admin panel and control this game as he want.
Head & Tail: Well Known Coin Game, bidder can bid any amount on head or tail. if win user will get double amount, if loser than amount will be deducted. we set 60% losser and 40% winning ration on script.
BID Game: Its mainly live game. you can Run Live Cricket, Soccer, Hockey & Other’s Betting here with Ratio you need. Winner & Losser Amount Percentage Depends on those Ratio.
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