- preload of all rooms
- image, 360 video, live stream 360, Lottie panorama
- nav marker for move from one room to another
- click anywhere mode
- pois for show image, gallery, video, video 360, audio, text, html, link, form, download file, google maps, object 360, object3d, product
- Snipcart integration for sell products directly on the tour
- pois embedded (image, video, video with background removal, slideshow, text, link)
- pois scheduling
- multi maps with the position where you are
- 3d view (dollhouse)
- compass to indicate north
- controls (zoom, fullscreen, map, room list, icons, song, share)
- custom logo
- nadir logo (to hide tripod)
- autorotate on inactivity
- effects (snow,rain,fog,fireworks,confetti,sparkle) - fly-in effect
- transition effects
- passcode / leads form to protect rooms access
- advertisements
- presentation
- multi room’s view (virtual staging)
- info box
- image’s gallery / slideshow video
- facebook messenger / whatsapp chat
- live session (shared virtual tour – video call – chat)
- meeting (jitsi)
- webvr support
- voice commands support
- google analytics integration
- real time view of visitors
- responsive
- custom right click context menu
- multi language support
- pwa compatible
- simple installation
- built-in upgrade
- UI visual editor
- download tours
- import / export tours
- dashboard
- sample data included
- tour creation wizard
- create / edit unlimited virtual tours
- upload panoramas and create / edit unlimited rooms
- blur part of panorama image
- apply effects on panorama image
- add / edit markers
- add / edit pois with custom contents
- create / edit maps and floorplans (assign room’s position map points)
- create / edit presentations
- create 360 video tour to be uploaded to YouTube or Facebook
- create / edit image’s gallery
- custom icons library
- media / music library
- statistics
- disk space usage
- landing page
- showcases
- globes
- preview
- publish (link or embed code generator)
- protect virtual tour with a password
- customize voice commands
- white label settings
- responsive
- multi language support
- social authentication
- custom font / color theme
- PHP Extensions: gettext, zip, curl, gd, imagick, mysqli
- Multi-Resolution (optional) needs Ubuntu/Debian operating system with ability to install packages
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