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Bicrypto v4.5.0 + All Plugins

Jesus Rodriguez

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  1. Jesus Rodriguez commented on Mahmoud's comment on a file in Scripts
    ok, then you will have the app? or not?
  2. Jesus Rodriguez commented on Mahmoud's comment on a file in Scripts
    HOla buenas me gustaria realizar la compra, como se realiza la compra por que medios y como es la transferencia de archivos. si el pack contiene tanto la parte web como las app y si tiene un manual de instalacion y requisitos mínimos de hardware y software? pendiente de tus novedades recibe un cordial saludo. --------------- HIla good I would like to make the purchase, how is the purchase made by what means and how is the transfer of files. If the pack contains both the web part and the app and if it has an installation manual and minimum hardware and software requirements? pending your news receives a cordial greeting.