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Bicrypto v4.1.3 + All Plugins ×

Dax Axi

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About Dax Axi

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  1. For me : i can’t open trades , 2 different error when i try support ticket not closing uuid problem the chart tools works on my account but on user account no and i have user account with some LTC and it show on spot wallet in usdt and the price doesn’t change but on Binance Yes so please check thanks
  2. Is the exchange working for you ? why for me no is not not showing crypto and some error i’m waiting for @Mahmoud if he answer… i paid 20 euro more and still unavailable to use it today officially 6days i’m waiting to be all fixed
  3. Crypto are not showing and i see this error @Mahmoud and i already insert the io in the Binance api check the message.
  4. @Mahmoudsorry if i Write alot but i’m writing to you, please Answer… you did the setup but doesn’t work, error in the logs, crypto are not showing , impossible to use please reinstall the backup and fix it thanks 5 waiting… and i still can use the exchange. (Dona full setup please not 50% )
  5. @Mahmoud PLEASE ANSWER IS URGENT I've been waiting for 3 days for the VPS work to finish, but there's a problem with port 80 slowing us down. I tried fixing it myself because I hadn't heard from you for hours, but I ended up making things worse because I don't know much about this. I really need your help. Can you uninstall everything and start over, making sure to turn on all the site extensions? I know it's a lot to ask, but we need to do this to finish the project without more problems. Sorry if I sound frustrated. It's been stressful, and I hope we can fix this soon. Thanks for understanding and helping.
  6. @Mahmoudi contact support and they tell me that is a error of http-https and is true why when i put https:// before it works . THEY TOLD ME TO FIX IT YOU NEED TO CONFIGURATE THE PORT 80 HTTP-HTTPS Please Answer me on the chat or here and fix it Today thanks
  7. @Mahmoud Can you Answer me and please finish the work? There is a problem when i go on the site and is 3 days i’m waiting for the Exchange to be done. Thanks (is just the last step)
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