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Henry Carol

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  1. View File Academy Lms Course Content AI Generator Addon Introduction This addon provides content generation facilities for course, certificate, blog for Academy LMS powered course website. Using this addon, admin and instructor can generate a Course title, Short description, long descriptions, Course requirements, Outcomes, SEO tags, Quiz, Certificate text, blog, and course thumbnail. Which results in significant time savings and increased creativity. Watch the video Browse this video to understand how OpenAI integrates with Academy Lms for faster course creation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6CFbg1pxaM How it works Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase AI addon for academy lms from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal Now, configure your OpenAI Settings If you configure the OpenAI settings correctly, the addon is ready to provide services Click on the robot icon in the website admin panel header to get the services A right modal will popup, allowing you to create course content according to your required specifications Content you get from OpenAI for your course creation Course title Course short description Course long description Course requirements Course outcomes Course FAQ Course SEO tags Course lesson text Course certificate text Course quiz text Blog title Blog post Course thumbnail Screenshots Submitter Henry Carol Submitted 08/01/2024 Category Plugins Demo https://demo.creativeitem.com/academy  
  2. Version v1.1.0


    Introduction This addon provides content generation facilities for course, certificate, blog for Academy LMS powered course website. Using this addon, admin and instructor can generate a Course title, Short description, long descriptions, Course requirements, Outcomes, SEO tags, Quiz, Certificate text, blog, and course thumbnail. Which results in significant time savings and increased creativity. Watch the video Browse this video to understand how OpenAI integrates with Academy Lms for faster course creation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6CFbg1pxaM How it works Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server Purchase AI addon for academy lms from codecanyon Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal Now, configure your OpenAI Settings If you configure the OpenAI settings correctly, the addon is ready to provide services Click on the robot icon in the website admin panel header to get the services A right modal will popup, allowing you to create course content according to your required specifications Content you get from OpenAI for your course creation Course title Course short description Course long description Course requirements Course outcomes Course FAQ Course SEO tags Course lesson text Course certificate text Course quiz text Blog title Blog post Course thumbnail Screenshots
  3. View File NFTBOX - NFT Marketplace Script NFTBOX is the complete Script using Metamask, Web3 and Polygon Matic network for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace Business. Capable of minting NFTs over the blockchain whilst allowing consumers to Buy, Sell and Transfer their NFTs on the marketplace freely with indisputable proof of ownership and authenticity achieved using ERC-721 standard smart contracts. Additionally, NFTBOX also incorporates all the necessary features needed for a present-day NFT marketplace such as a bidding system, and NFT collections as well as granting creators the option to sell and trade their digital works in various forms such as images, GIFs, video, and audio. Submitter Henry Carol Submitted 05/15/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://codecanyon.net/item/nftbox-nft-marketplace-script/38375099
  4. Version v1.4.6


    NFTBOX is the complete Script using Metamask, Web3 and Polygon Matic network for your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace Business. Capable of minting NFTs over the blockchain whilst allowing consumers to Buy, Sell and Transfer their NFTs on the marketplace freely with indisputable proof of ownership and authenticity achieved using ERC-721 standard smart contracts. Additionally, NFTBOX also incorporates all the necessary features needed for a present-day NFT marketplace such as a bidding system, and NFT collections as well as granting creators the option to sell and trade their digital works in various forms such as images, GIFs, video, and audio.
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