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About ExsiteAi

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  1. these are on landing page , every update above 6.4 erase them , it has to be added manual
  2. Hi all , anyone got todays update 6.5.2 ? , as i can see on their website there was update on 18th
  3. i have to ask admin if we can add here updated soft 6.5.1 with unlocked payment getaways , then you will be able to download it , i dont want to share complete tips how i have manage to do that 🙂 , stay tuned
  4. YES!!!!! , I unlocked payment getaways !!!! v6.5.1 , booyakasha 😄 toke me 20 minutes ^^ to solve that 😛
  5. im testing it now 😛 yeah , payment getaway is not working with even 6.5.1 , but it can be set up on 6.4 , then update it to 6.5.1 and continue using it with payment getaway 😛 , price plans are available even on 6.5.1 to edit 🙂 , but let me checlk something else
  6. I had that file replaced mate , after update when i clicked on payment getaways , it was saying about licence ,then error after another error in log file , but when i downbloaded from "update" version 6.5.1 , is error free but no access to payment getaway , uless this can be done on 6.4 , all pament plans set , then update into 6.5 , and quick into 6.5.1 with error free , you wont be able to deactivate payment getaway , but once it will be live , it will work anyway 😛
  7. i have tested 6.5 on my other server and there is error 500 on the payment getaways , i have also managed to update to 6.5.1 and similar issues like when updating from 6.4 to 6.5
  8. i have managed to bring all files and sql before i updated to 6.5 , and now it works without any error , my pressure dropped down ^^ , thank you all for your help , will try to test it the new version on other server first 🙂
  9. You are legend mate , . and any chance you know where i can change meta tags h1 , h2 ,h3 on main page please ?
  10. Could you please tell me where can I look for that file ?you think from 6.3 version will be alright that file ? , and any chance you know where i can change meta tags h1 , h2 ,h3 on main page please ?
  11. Hi guys , how did you managed to fix the issues ? , and which file I need to edit to change tags h1 , h2 etc ? As im trying to find it and i cant 😕, thanks in,advance . Btw I have plenty of issues on log file 😕
  12. 500 Critical Server Error Server Error. This error is logged and our technic team will resolve this issue in short time. got this after changing the new repositories file. how did you managed to get back into 6.4 mate ?
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