* Official website: https://datinghey.com
* Founder & developer: Karolis Zujis
* Email: zujisk@gmail.com
* Dev configuration
define("appVersion", "2.0.3");
define("engineVersion", "2.0");
define("devMode", "true"); // Options [true/false]
* App configuration
define("appName", "Radio-Crazy.BalkanFace.site"); // Define the name of the application
define("appDescription", "Short Description"); // Define the short description of the application
define("appDescriptionLong", "Datinghey is a social platform for people who are looking for social dates"); // Define the base description of the application
define("appKeywords", "datinghey, dating, love"); // Define the keywords for SEO
define("ownerUID",1); // Define owner user ID
define("helloMessage","Hello, this is greetings message from ".appName." administrator."); // Define the hello message from the Owner account after registration for each user
define("ownerEmail", "balkanonline1980@gmail.com"); // Define the contact email address for the application's owner
define("controlCode", "djvasko80"); // Additional admin panel (control provider) password
// URL scheme: HTTPprotocol://webUrl.rootDir.folderDir
define("HTTPprotocol", "http"); // Define the SSL/HTTP protocol for the website (e.g., "https" or "https")
define("webUrl", "http://radio-crazy.balkanface.site"); // Define the website URL without "www" or any subdomains (e.g., "http://radio-crazy.balkanface.site/")
define("rootDir", "/"); // Define the root directory for files on the server (e.g., "/" or "/subfolder/")
define("folderDir", rootDir."app/"); // Define the folder directory for the application files relative to the root directory
* Database configuration
define("dbHost", "localhost"); // Define the host name or IP address of the database server
define("dbName", "01031732_radiocrazy19"); // Define the name of the database you want to connect to
define("dbUsername", "01031732_radiocrazy19"); // Define the username used to authenticate the database connection
define("dbPassword", "xxxx"); // Define the password used to authenticate the database connection
define("dbCharset", "utf8mb4"); // Define the character encoding for the database connection (UTF-8 with extended Unicode support)
* Android configuration
define("dataKey", "dshAIOSajjshjak45"); // Secret key used for data-related operations or encryption/decryption
define("buyingKey", "sdfSA47a4sa78SD7A8"); // Key used for handling buying or purchasing operations
define("facebookKey", "SAD656a5sa985CX65"); // Key used for Facebook-related operations, such as API calls or authentication
* Additional configuration
define("queryKey", "A54sd5a45a4sd5as4d5as4"); // Secret key used for frontend and backend verification of queries
define("aesKey", "as4SA4A84DA54x4z548a"); // Secret AES key used for encryption/decryption in data operations
define("firebaseKey", ""); // Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) key used for sending push notifications
define("webpushrKey", ""); // Webpushr key used for sending web push notifications
define("webpushrJsKey", ""); // Webpushr JavaScript key used for handling web push notifications in the frontend
define("webpushrAuthToken", ""); // Webpushr authentication token for certain backend operations.
define("hashHistory", "true"); // A flag indicating whether to use hash history in frontend routing. Options [true/false]
define("addPremiumRes", "true"); // Options [true/false]
$constructedWebUrl = HTTPprotocol."://".webUrl.rootDir;
$constructedAppUrl = HTTPprotocol."://".webUrl.folderDir;