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About vhcribeiro

  • Birthday 12/22/1998

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  1. @Mahmoud Can you help me friend? I install it and the images look like this and I can't log in to the system. Remembering that open_basedir is already disabled. Can you help me?
  2. @vhcribeiro@Mahmoud It seems that the file cannot be translated, it makes all the changes and does not reflect it on the website, everything remains the same before the translation. Including creating a new language or injecting directly into the ex. en.json. I do what the documentation says to use npm install and npm run prod and nothing happens
  3. I have a problem with translating. Ex. I translated it into Portuguese-BR, but the script document says that you need to give a command in ssh or terminal, see the print below. I try to run the command and the terminal says that the npm command does not exist. What to do?
  4. @Gusik Prasetyo Is there a nulled version of this script or a script that does not require the Official API?
  5. @Mahmoud It seems that the file cannot be translated, it makes all the changes and does not reflect it on the website, everything remains the same before translating. Even creating a new language or injecting directly into the ex. en.json (Can you help me urgently?)
  6. @Mahmoud Good evening friend, I'm facing a problem in being able to set a customer to be subscribed to one of the plans, I've already configured everything correctly with the Paypal API, Client ID, Customer Plan ID, and this error always appears, I try to make the purchase as a customer too and there is an error in the playpal return url, can anyone help me?
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