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Roberto Maka

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About Roberto Maka

  • Birthday 07/25/1994

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    I was happy but after going up to the hosting I was sad, this is just a demonstration, it's not the complete script? what is the intention of this, we could see the demo in the link... https://pixmania.website/roleta/ If there is another way this works, explain it..
  1. I was happy but after going up to the hosting I was sad, this is just a demonstration, it's not the complete script? what is the intention of this, we could see the demo in the link... If there is another way this works, explain it..
  2. @Parmi Upload files from you website, configure "conectarbanco.php" with your database acess credentials and upload .SQL file from you phphmyadmin... Play ! ... RMaka ... Boa sorte / Good Luck 💯
  3. Can anyone turn this game into an SSurfers style casino script? Or at least show the way to try to do this...
  4. Estou caminhando em direção a senha, pode colocar menos que 15 da próxima vez pra evitar spam no fórum. Obrigado indo testar...
  5. Não quero ser chato mas tem aposta esportiva?
  6. Vem algum jogo ou é apenas template para cassino ?
  7. View File Script DINO CASH - Bet Simple Game My third file. Everyone here has already lost internet while jumping with a dinosaur on an offline page. Now it is possible to play online and for money, DINO CASH, this script is tested and 100% bug-free. The installation method is the same as SubwaySurfer's and MarioCash, Upload SQL file, and Configure conectarbanco.php* files Of the 3 Games it is the most stable. Follow the demo for more questions. the payment gateway is SuitPay, if you want to change the script and send new updates feel free, I hope to see the password for the other files from now on. 😘 Roberto Maka 💫 Submitter Roberto Maka Submitted 05/22/2024 Category Scripts Demo https://www.pixmania.website/dino/  
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