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About sahilashraff

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  1. @M4Z3D think once why would someone share something for free on which they are working from a long time and i have never said that i will share the script I have said that i will share only when i get the good response so mark my work dont say anything based on your assumptions
  2. @jay Mehta 009 @jay Mehta 009 yes you can do that save the response into a txt of .json use and create another which we ll use by a cronjob to take the failed data and resend on thise number or you can create a loop for sending message until it received success response it will retry
  3. @jay Mehta 009 you can try mine chatyup.com i have change alot of things there and i m still on the way of modding more things. i have also change the api i have hope it will work for you and feel free to give your feedback it will help me to fix more things
  4. @jay Mehta 009 nah u ll need a vps to setup or idk about the cpanel installation
  5. @jay Mehta 009 use the file upload by the thread owner it has documentation how to setup
  6. @Purushottam Khanal Do you have the latest 5.1.1 may release? I will null it if u have
  7. Pairing Code option is also there do check out feel free to message if you get any error
  8. @Acwild wa.cacartindia.com test here if its working for you it made alot of changes and tested all the possible things related to account login, QR, logout, account delete. feel free to share your feedback
  9. I want you to test it first on wa.cacartindia.com even everyone can test if the qr works for everyone i will share the server file here
  10. Finally i fixed the QR Code issue with the latest whiskey/baileys i will improve it and post it here once i completely fixed it stay tuned
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