Files posted by alberto.acm
New Portfolio Theme With Promo Price
Minimalistic and clean design is main reason that Gorge Portfolio is great for everyone that are looking for small theme with features that are important.You can use this portfolio template for: agency, personal portfolio, architect agency, freelancer, photography studios, sound and music, musican, painter portfolio, artworks, art, artist portfolio, web design works, illustrators, trainer, projects, freelance designer. You can find this template suitable for their needs.
Html5 & Css3
W3c valid html code
Clean and Creative
Ajax Ready Contact Form
Full Responsive
Page Animation with animate.css
Isotope Portfolio (Save 25 $)
Fully customizable
Over 400+ Font Awesome Icons.
Google Map
Super Charge Your Elementor Page Builder With 60+ Flexible Elements, 170+ Beautiful Elementor Templates, 2200+ Icons, Awesome Animations And Much More…
Lightweight – On Demand Asset Loading: You can enable or disable each widget or feature according to your needs. TM Elementor Addons is carefully coded with speed and the latest coding standards in mind.
QR Code attendence module in “Ramom Multi Branch School Management System”. Using this addon students and employees attendance can be taken through smartphone(Android and IOS) camera or webcam. Also you can track employees In Time and Out Time. Overcome the hurdles involved in tracking attendance by using our QR code attendance. Now, you can verify and track your attendance super-smoothly. The user attendance QR code is secure, as it is printed in encrypted condition.