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Files posted by Ismam

  1. More information about "Off POS - Retail POS and Stock Software"


    Off POS - Retail POS and Stock Software

    White Labeled Indonesian format currency Comma separated currency Denomination Multiple Branches/Outlets
    Branch-wise different stock Branch-wise different user access Allow users to access multiple branches Branch-wise report Item/Product
    Alternative Name for Item General Product (For super shop, hardware shop, etc) Variation Product (For fashion, footwear, etc) IMEI Product Serial Product Medicine Product Installment Product Service POS Features
    Hold Sale List (Edit hold sale from hold sale list, Delete and Delete All hold sales) Last invoice print by one click Recent 10 sales list (Recent 10 sales filter by date, customer and invoice. Print Invoice, Print Challan, Edit and Delete facilities from Recent Sale) Quick Calculator facilities Keyboard shortcut (To view Quickly Product purchase price, wholesale price, add customer, Hold Sale, Last 10 Sale, View Register, Open calculator etc) Customer Display Dashboard
    Daily Transaction summary Date-wise Revenue, Net Profit, Transaction filter. Day, Week, Month Wise chart generate Low Item List Top 10 Items sale in current month Top 10 customers list Customer receivable list Supplier payable list Monthly sales comparison chart. Supplier
    Supplier Profile Supplier Opening Balance Purchase from Supplier in due Supplier Ledger Report (for individual Supplier) Supplier Due Report (See all due Suppliers) Customer
    Customer Profile Sale to a customer in due (Not applicable for Walk-in Customers) Customer Credit Limit Customer Opening Balance Customer default discount Customer Group and Customer Type(Retail/Wholesale) Customer Ledger Report (for individual customers) Customer Due Report (See all due customers) Customer Due receive invoice Send SMS to all due customers Bulk Customer Upload Language Feature
    Multilingual Easy to add a new language RTL Supported Easy to improve language strings Purchase
    Add Purchase (Unique IMEI, Serial Product purchase. Expiry date wise medicine purchase) Add low stock items to purchase cart with one click Add low stock items to the purchase cart with one click according to the supplier Attaching attachments while making purchases Purchase invoice Purchase Report Product purchase report Accounting
    Account management with opening balance(Debit or Credit type) Multiple accounts Each account’s current balance Cash flow report Balance Sheet Trial Balance Withdraw money from account Deposit money to account Report
    Register Report Z Report Daily Summary Report Profit Loss Report Price History Report Cash Flow Report Transfer
    Add Transfer (Transfer Status wise stock increase and decrease) Edit Transfer List Transfer Analytic
    Top Selling/Less Selling Item Report Gross and Net profit report and Profit by Item, Category, Date Range Calculating Purchase Price based on Average Weighted Cost of recent running prices Price History Report Warranty and Servicing
    Check warranty and guarantee validity by scanning invoice number or product IMEI/Serial Warranty Item Stock Warranty Item Tracing(Received, Sent to Vendor, Received from Vendor, Delivered to Customer) Warranty Receipt Paid Servicing Paid Servicing Invoice Currency and Precision
    Any currency support Dual currency/Multi-Currency support Indonesian format currency support Different types of currency separator Rounding HRM
    Role-Based Access Control Salary/Payroll Attendance (Employee check-in and check-out) Attendance report Employee Commission Assign one user to multiple branches


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