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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×

Abi Computers

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About Abi Computers

  • Birthday 03/23/1985

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  1. The script checks whether its registered or not, I found this code C:\wamp64\www\bet\core\vendor\laramin\utility\src\Onumoti.php on line 19 and 20. How do I bypass this
  2. Halo, I am running Mysql Version 8.3 and MarianDB version 11.3, PHP 5.2
  3. Halo sir, I did enable the debug mode but still dint get any error, still admin says "something went wrong" on login
  4. Halo, I have a challenge, I installed the script well but admin cant login, when login it rotates and does not move to the next level of the dashboard, also tried client area, it takes long to login and deposit doesn't work too
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