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  1. I've the SysLic 22.5.0 and CDN Files if anyone wants it please send me a private message. If you want to make the script work you have to update it yourself, the message I sent in the GbLicense lounge also applies to SysLic :
  2. It's work if you update yourself the script, With the script provide by BeGPL you can use Virtualizor, Webuzo, WHMreseller etc but Plesk can't work if you don't have a license key for example. For my part, I managed to get them all working, but I parted ways with the panel to use my own system. If you like, I can work on an update to GbLicense and I'll publish it if anyone is interested.
  3. The GbLicense held by BeGPL is a rather strange version because the domain names present in the decoded files are different each time it seems to be a recomposed version. The panel and scripts work on the sole condition that you must own the decoding and license generation systems, which will never be given to you, otherwise the whole licensing industry is in peril if everyone can generate keys. For my part, I have a part of the panel with decoded keys, and I'm going to work on including it in this GB license. In any case, you can always use the panel, it works very well.
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