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Files posted by TokyoGhoul

  1. More information about "Client Login Verify [NULLED]"


    Client Login Verify [NULLED]

    Client Login Verify Verifies Client's login with Verification Code to prevent unauthorized access. It's a kind of Two Factor Authentication that enables extra layer of security for your customers that brings customer's integrity and authenticity. When a user logs into your system it will send them an email with a pin code and after entering the pin code customers will be authenticated to use the billing system for further works.
    ==============Client Login Verify Features==============
    Each time user logged in the module send an email with PIN WHMCS Email 2FA Module No Need of SMS Gateway for 2FA On activation it forces every client to use email 2FA Nulled by me for DoniaWeb Members.
    License Key: DoniaWeb.com
    Sales Page: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/3805-client-login-verify
    Changelog.txt and Readme.txt with instruction inside .zip
    Please keep in mind that LoginPin.php can be detected as "PHP Exploit" due to obfuscation.
    I do not have ioncube 13 in order to obfuscate file so I used modified PHP Obfuscator from this website.
    I can provide unobfuscated LoginPin.php for staff in order to verify.
    LoginPin.php is obfuscated because I made this null only for DoniaWeb


       (0 reviews)



  2. More information about "Abuse Manager Pro [NULLED]"


    Abuse Manager Pro [NULLED]

    Abuse Manager Pro (AMP) is a WHMCS addon (longest standing with regular updates & improvements since 2016!) that helps admins with the daily chores of abuse reports, and followups and turns their lives into a walk in the park for a low monthly fee of $5 or $50 per year, including upgrades for life!
    This is THE module that you wish you knew about earlier! We really mean it!
    Although many people use support tickets, that method requires a lot of work and many different strategies that results in defining an inefficient process for admins - that method can never be relied on. With AMP, everything is within the module, and there is no need to use multiple pages, external applications, or even other 3rd party solutions to manage or create abuse reports.
    The system allows you to receive abuse reports from 3rd parties, either by emails (using a fetching technique by PHP_IMAP - great for automatically processing your abuse@domain.com address for example) or by enabling a public facing abuse reporting page. As well as that, you can create abuse reports of your own.
    When an abuse report is submitted by 3rd parties (public facing page or via the email address that is to be fetched), it goes into a queue and awaits your moderation. This allows you to review the abuse report, and when you are satisfied, you can assign it to a customer. Queued abuse reports also show you which customer and service the abuse report could be linked to, depending on the available data in the report.
    Admins can have conversations with clients, and vice versa - all in favour of reaching a solution and ultimately closing/resolving the abuse report.
    Admins have the ability of creating an abuse report without suspending the service that relates to the abuse report, or suspend it immediately, or suspend it after a certain time limit passes. They also have the option to allow a customer to unsuspend themselves if required. To understand the module better, please have a look at the screenshots, as well as the different feature sets for admins, registered users, and public guests.
    Proud to be one of the longest standing WHMCS modules in this field. Started 7 years ago, with over 200 client requests/enhancements added into our releases.
    AMP is ajax-ready, and no template modifications are required at all! Lagom Theme Support (BETA)!
    Admin Features
    Abuse Dashboard that shows you quick statistics, important information, reports requiring your action, and flagged customers Admin Widget on WHMCS admin home page which shows abuse reports statistics and reports that require your action Filter and sort records using a filter on top of open, closed, queued abuse reports pages to quickly find what you are looking for Quick links to client's details and service from within reports and from open, closed, and queued report pages Ability to create a new abuse report using ajax to quickly select a customer, their product, and IP address Ability for the admin to set a custom IP address or use one of the IPs assigned to the service when creating a report Ability to set the service in question to either suspend immediately, or suspend after a time limit (admin defined), or not suspend at all Ability to allow the client to unsuspend their service on their own Ability to send a reminder email to the client halfway through the suspension on time limit Ability to override time limit suspension if client replies to abuse report Ability to auto-assign imported abuse reports instead of queueing them for admin moderation Ability to suspend auto-assigned imported abuse reports with either allowing the client to self unsuspend, or not Ability to discard duplicate imported abuse reports (Imported emails will be checked for an IPv4 and will be discarded if that same IPv4 has been reported and has a queued report in the last 24 hours) Ability to show an additional header (customizable) in the client area to grab the customer's attention when they have open abuse reports Ability to view, edit, close, clone, reopen, and delete - open and closed abuse reports Ability to view, and download attachments from open, closed and queued abuse reports Ability to assign to client, and delete - queued abuse reports (from 3rd parties from Public Page & Mail Fetch) Ability to see suggestions on which customer and service the queued abuse report might belong to Ability to use the new magic import “use these values” button to use the suggested customer details & service the queued abuse report might belong to Ability to see customer names highlighted in client groups colour (if customer is part of a group) Ability to see details of abuse report from within an abuse report detailed view Ability to start a conversation with the client from within open abuse reports Ability to see a read-only abuse report, when an abuse report is closed Ability to see the imported email body with attachments or abuse report from 3rd parties from within queued abuse reports Ability to lock down client area if a customer has any open abuse reports (strict mode), or if a client has not replied to any open abuse reports (standard mode), or not to lock down the client area (irrespective if client responded to open abuse reports, or having open abuse reports) Ability to set a maximum amount of open abuse reports before a customer is flagged on admin side Ability to specify amount of time before a service is automatically suspended (only if report is set to suspend a service after a time limit)  Ability to lift the automatic suspension, before the service is suspended from within an open abuse report Ability to see if a customer has viewed the abuse report Ability to use quick replies when creating abuse reports, or when replying in conversations Ability to create a FraudRecord report from within an open abuse report Ability to view, edit, and save admin notes on every abuse report Ability to see customer sticky notes from within open and closed abuse reports Ability to copy to clipboard the original reports submitted Ability to create as many different abuse categories as you see fit Ability to rename links in WHMCS navbar Ability to download a PDF report of open, or closed abuse reports Ability to reroute/disable/modify admin notifications (new WHMCS notifications system) Ability to search for abuse reports using WHMCS's native intelligent search (Intellisearch) Admin notifications on 3rd party queued abuse reports Multiple staff can work on the same abuse report Custom email templates which are sent to staff, which can also be edited and include respective merge fields Client Features
    Resolution Center link in top navigation bar (automatically shown, if enabled), which shows a customer all their abuse reports - open and closed, with the ability to view both Ability to see 'last reply by' & 'service' columns in the abuse reports overview page Report details show vital information to the customer, including the service in question, the IP, date of incident, the category of the abuse report, as well as the abuse report it self. Ability to view a read-only abuse report if an abuse report is set as closed Ability to start a conversation with staff from within open abuse reports Ability to self unsuspend a service (if enabled for a customer on abuse report creation or assigning) Integrated with WHMCS's native client area notifications system (if client has any open abuse reports) Ability to view, and download attachments Lagom Theme Support (BETA) Public Features
    Report Abuse link in top navigation bar (automatically shown, if enabled), which is a public facing abuse reporting page, which allows 3rd parties to send you abuse reports by filling in a form reCaptcha Support to avoid spam Feel like a feature is missing? Check out our roadmap! If it isn't there, we'd be more than happy to add it!
    Nulled by me for DoniaWeb Members.
    License Key: DoniaWeb.com
    Sales Page: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/1326-abuse-manager-pro
    Docs: https://layerlabs.gitbook.io/abuse-manager-pro
    Please keep in mind that abusemanagerpro.php can be detected as "PHP Exploit" due to obfuscation.
    I do not have ioncube 13 in order to obfuscate file so I used modified PHP Obfuscator from this website.
    I can provide unobfuscated abusemanagerpro.php for staff in order to verify.
    abusemanagerpro.php is obfuscated because I made this null only for DoniaWeb


       (0 reviews)



  3. More information about "Support Tickets To Progress For WHMCS [NULLED]"


    Support Tickets To Progress For WHMCS [NULLED]

    Automatically change the ticket status after opening
    It is important for customers to know whether a request is already being processed. A simple change in the status of the ticket is often enough to signal that something is happening.
    Automatically changes the status after opening a ticket
    In many companies, incoming requests are opened quickly and then prioritized accordingly. For the customer, it looks like nothing is happening until the answer is received, but that doesn't have to be the case. With this module, the status changes automatically after you open a ticket to a status of your choice.
    Vendor Website: https://deploymentcode.com/products/whmcs/support-tickets-to-progress/
    Docs: https://documentation.deploymentcode.com/display/Ticketstatustoprogress/


       (0 reviews)



  4. More information about "Support Verification PIN For WHMCS [NULLED]"


    Support Verification PIN For WHMCS [NULLED]

    If you offer support via live chat or phone, it is important to make sure that the request comes from an authorized person. This module helps you to confirm the identity.
    Fully AJAX based
    The module is fully AJAX based, which means there is never a need to reload the page when a PIN is generated or requested. Even when a customer generates a new PIN, the PIN appears in the admin area without reloading the page.
    A lot of configurable options
    The module has numerous configuration options to work the way you want it to. You can set how long the PINs should be valid, on which pages the widget should appear and much more.
    Vendor Website: https://deploymentcode.com/products/whmcs/support-verification-pin/
    Docs: https://documentation.deploymentcode.com/display/Supportpinforclient


       (0 reviews)



  5. More information about "Admin Login Notify & Security For WHMCS [NULLED]"


    Admin Login Notify & Security For WHMCS [NULLED]

    Admin Login Security
    WHMCS is the heart of your company, which needs special protection from unauthorized protection. The module provides you with everything you need to protect your admin backend.
    Configure each admin account individually
    The module offers the possibility to restrict the admin login to certain countries. In times when home office becomes more important, it is important that you can be as specific as possible for each admin account. With the help of the module's interface you can set everything exactly the way you want it.
    Send a notification and optionally block the login
    In case of a login from an unknown country you can send a notification to an administrator via the WHMCS Notification System. In addition, it is possible to prevent the login, and either display a self-created error page, or make it look as if the login simply does not work, so that the attacker does not notice that he has been noticed.
    Vendor Website: https://deploymentcode.com/products/whmcs/admin-login-notify-and-security/
    Docs: https://documentation.deploymentcode.com/display/AdminLoginSecurityWHMCS/Admin+Login+Notify


       (0 reviews)



  6. More information about "DirectAdmin Client SSO Login [NULLED]"


    DirectAdmin Client SSO Login [NULLED]

    cPanel like login for DirectAdmin
    WHMCS offers for some control panels - for example cPanel - the useful function to log in to the hosting account by mouse click. This module adds DirectAdmin to this functionality.
    Vendor Website: https://deploymentcode.com/products/whmcs/directadmin-client-sso-login/
    Docs: https://documentation.deploymentcode.com/display/DirectAdminClientSSOWHMCS/


       (0 reviews)



  7. More information about "UT-PowerTools [NULLED]"


    UT-PowerTools [NULLED]

    This collection of tools extends WHMCS with optional features to help you improve your web hosting business. All of the features can be turned on or off as required, keeping your WHMCS performant. Activate them all or just the ones you need.
    Order Note To Ticket
    Convert order notes into a helpdesk ticket.
    New Ticket On Purchase
    Create a helpdesk ticket each time a product/service is purchased.
    Fraud To Ticket
    Create a helpdesk ticket when you receive a fraud order.
    Client Support Pin
    Display a unique security pin in your client area for an added layer of security when talking to your clients over the phone or chat.
    Paid Priority Support
    Paywall High Priority tickets with this add-on. Clients can pay to upgrade when creating a new ticket or upgrade any existing ticket.
    Customise your client area menus
    Remove existing menus and create new ones in your client area.
    Client Area Promotions
    Quickly add promotion boxes or maintenance messages to your client area home page.
    Support Hours
    Display your support hours and helpdesk status in the client area. Create custom date ranges for holidays etc.
    Client Deny Add Funds
    Block clients in selected groups from Adding Funds.
    Client Area Redirects
    Redirect Client Area pages to a different URL.
    New Client Default Group
    Automatically assign a new client to a default Client Group.
    Clean tbllog_register
    Remove all entries that are older than 1 month.
    Sync Domain Renewal Pricing
    Check all domains have the correct renewal price.
    Nulled by me for DoniaWeb Members.
    License Key: DoniaWeb.com
    Sales Page: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/7376-ut-powertools
    Docs: https://clients.uptimewebhosting.com.au/knowledgebase/33/PowerTools
    Please keep in mind that AdminDispatcher.php can be detected as "PHP Exploit" due to obfuscation.
    I do not have ioncube 13 in order to obfuscate file so I used modified PHP Obfuscator from this website.
    I can provide unobfuscated AdminDispatcher.php for staff in order to verify.
    AdminDispatcher.php is obfuscated because I made this null only for DoniaWeb


       (0 reviews)



  8. More information about "WHMCS Website Monitoring [NULLED]"


    WHMCS Website Monitoring [NULLED]

    Server monitoring does not do all the job
    You all know the problem. Yes, there is server monitoring, and it reports that all is fine, but a customer website is having problems and your customer notices before you do.
    There are many things that can go wrong, while your server monitoring is telling you that all is fine. There can be many reasons:
    The customer misconfigured something An automatic WordPress plugin update broke the website The customer forgot to update its SSL certificate so it expired The customer has the domain registered elsewhere and forgot to renew it in time Maybe the customer hosts DNS elsewhere and he only added a www record but no record for the main domain And so on and so on… This is where the Website Monitoring addon for WHMCS comes in!
    Developed with web hosters in mind
    We were unhappy with our monitoring situation and wanted to provide better service quality to our customers. So we made the module ourselves!
    Our module will automatically scan all active subscriptions and their freely configurable domain aliases and subdomains from your WHMCS system, and alert you if any of these problems arise:
    Bad HTTP response (4xx or 5xx) Domain works but www does not, or the other way round IP not resolvable IP does not resolve to the designated server IP SSL certificate invalid This way you can proactively check what is going on and contact the customer if necessary.
    Your customers will thank you for the good service you provide!
    Plenty of features
    Integrates nicely into the WHMCS design Widget for the WHMCS Admin Area front page showing you all subscriptions currently having problems. Ability to enable/disable monitoring on a per-product, per-server, per-client and per-subscription basis View monitored subscriptions and their statuses, and see the details of each subscription along with its monitoring change history. Allow your customers to see the status of their websites directly from the client area (optional) Per-domain configuration on which checks to enable/disable Also monitor web hostings that are not configured in WHMCS Granular configuration and logging capabilities allow you to use the module just how you want it. Notify admins and/or customers via e-mail about problems with their domains Integrates with the WHMCS Notification System Parallel processing with real-time monitoring in WHMCS View logs directly from the Admin Area  
    Module is nulled and you can use any license key.
    Inside .zip I have included .pdf instruction attached to purchased module.
    You can monitor up to 5000 websites with this

    Vendor Website: https://bluerabbit.solutions/product/whmcs-website-monitoring/


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