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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×

Simon R

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Everything posted by Simon R

  1. @zhuanyun It’s working now. Thank you so much! That was a nice walk around . By any chance, Do you have an idea why Marketplace and Theme sections are not loading from the admin panel?
  2. I think you’ve used all files instead of just update folder. You need to restore the whole thing and try again by unzipping the file you’ve downloaded and upload only the new version file that is located under update to yourproject/public then extract and replace all what’s inside /public then you should be good to go to https://yourdomain/update-manual. (This is how I did it)
  3. Same for me. I've lost all features from sidemenue but they are still available from search bar. @Mahmoud please help.
  4. Try to run sql query again and replace php file “ApplicationStatusRepository.php” with the one that @Mahmoud attached on the activation steps.
  5. Hi everyone, I can't bypass activation even after running the following queries: UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'DoniaWeB' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1; UPDATE `settings` SET `stripe_status_for_now`='active' WHERE 1 Please help
  6. Hi everyone, Activation is not working even by running : UPDATE `settings_two` SET `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'doniaweb' WHERE `settings_two`.`id` = 1;
  7. Hi @Mahmoud thank you for sharing the script. It seems to be the regular version not unlimited.
  8. Thank you Mahmud replying. I downgraded to php 7.4 and everything looks fine. Right now I'm stuck on step 5 admin account creation, please see screenshot below: Please help. Thank you in advance. Simon R.
  9. I am using the version 8.1 screenshot below :
  10. Hello Mahmoud, I'm contacting you because I'm encountering an installation issue of ClaimBits. I've completed the environment setup and I lunched the install off the app; in step3 I filled out the database information and after I clicked next I got redirected to 'HTTP ERROR 500'. You'll fine attached the log file just in case if you need more information about this case. Please help and let me know if you need more details. Thank you in advance. Simon R error.log
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