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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×


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Everything posted by widchy95

  1. Hello, do u have the latest admin panel and web app? it ill be more helpfull
  2. Done I fixed I backed up my website and db data then I delete everything I installed your script as new and created the database and after I delete the new database and put the old one and reload the script and it asked me to update and I clicked on update and everything went fine Thanks
  3. in which file I find and remove your db credential?
  4. Bro I uploaded the script but giving this error Can not able to run upgrade. Error: There was a problem connecting to the database: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'akoaqnwj_dotlink'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  5. Ok it was because I already have a well configurated script didnt want to lose all that I made well im purchasing
  6. Can I just update the one I have with this new script or it will not work as Update?
  7. is this still avaible and working fine? I heard that the last version saving button was giving Problems waiting for your reply
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