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Megalo Web Services

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File Comments posted by Megalo Web Services

  1. We have taken the Wowonder PHP Script and re-branded it as FB Social. We are using its source code for an independent open source rolling release. Developing our own add-ons and customizing the structure on top of it. Example. Like taking the chassis of a Ford and building our own car using it as the base. Or taking Debian and making Ubuntu. when we are done it will no longer be the same.

    We are looking for developers who want to contribute to the distro. Its been re-structured to conform to the MIT Open Source License and is not on sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/fb-social/files/

  2. On 3/31/2023 at 5:01 AM, Solomon Fighter said:

    dude how to install ?


    drag it to your themes folder.

    current release  thevault.megaloglobal.com/files/PHP-Scripts/wowonder/themes/facebook.zip

  3. This is a modified version of the Wondhash them they are selling for $20 . I purchased it on code-canyon and then renamed it and added a few more png files and uploaded it. I don't believe in selling software.

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