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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×

Valentina Matic

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Everything posted by Valentina Matic

  1. @Mahmoud Dear Admin, Oh, ban me, ban me! For my accidental script upload, I have surely committed a heinous crime against forum etiquette! But before you unleash your banhammer, let me offer you a deal. Instead of a ban, how about I entertain the entire forum with a live comedy show, where I'll roast myself for my script blunder? Trust me, laughter is a far more effective punishment than a simple ban. So, let's turn this mishap into a hilarious moment that will go down in forum history! With a mischievous grin, Your Valetnina ❤️
  2. The script is currently re-uploaded. Once the admin confirms that the re-uploaded files have been approved, you can proceed to download and give it another try. Good luck!
  3. Ok, I am not asking for money anymore anyone. And I am not he, but she by the way. ☺️
  4. No true, that 'error' can be solved also for free if you install the script correctly.
  5. Script is absolutely free, but for installation I'll charge as nobody won't you install it for free.
  6. No way, script is valid and full now I have checked. Check your .env file and see if everything is correct. Read carefully Documentation and don't forget to set everything mentioned there (and here): APP_NAME:YOURWEBSITENAME : Here it goes your website name (Eg: MegaFaucet.com) APP_ENV=PRODUCTION : Change from LOCAL to PRODUCTION APP_URL=https://website.com : Add your website domain name DB_DATABASE=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME : Add your database full name from section CREATE DATABASE DB_USERNAME=YOUR_USER_DATABASE_NAME : Add your mysql database full name from section CREATE DATABASE - ADD New USER DB_PASSWORD=YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD : Add your mysql database password If you don't know how to install I will do it for you for the small amount of payment, let we say for $10 for example. GOOD LUCK!
  7. Follow unfollow working, extract followers working too, but private messaging doesn't work. Cannot update, doesn't work 😞
  8. I am really sorry for mistake, MISSING FILES NOW ADDED! Thanks for notice! ps: Documentation is ATTACHED BELLOW! ** because max upload file limit is set only to 48 MB! Documentation for MegaFaucet_files_v1.1.0.zip
  9. The script works PERFECTLY I just have problem when I ordering service: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on null Admin login is admin:admin
  10. The script works PERFECTLY I just have problem when I ordering service: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on null Admin login is admin:admin
  11. View File MegaFaucet v1.1.0 - Crypto Faucet Script One of the main features of this script is the faucet system, which enables users to claim a small amount of cryptocurrency for free. This is a great way for new users to get started with cryptocurrencies and learn more about them. The paid-to-click system is another feature that rewards users for viewing ads. Users can earn coins by clicking on ads displayed on the website. Submitter Valentina Matic Submitted 06/02/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://www.codester.com/items/41641/megafaucet-crypto-faucet-script MegaFaucet_files_v1.1.0.rar MegaFaucet_files_v1.1.0.zip
  12. Version v1.1.0


    One of the main features of this script is the faucet system, which enables users to claim a small amount of cryptocurrency for free. This is a great way for new users to get started with cryptocurrencies and learn more about them. The paid-to-click system is another feature that rewards users for viewing ads. Users can earn coins by clicking on ads displayed on the website.
  13. I was installed the script, but I got this... Server Error ReferenceError: audited_ is not defined Can you help me pls? Thank you!
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