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Amila Bavantha

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Files posted by Amila Bavantha

  1. Linoor is a multipurpose and powerful Digital Services Agency WordPress Theme. It is very easy to customize with a strong admin panel. The theme is highly suitable template for companies that offer web design, web development, internet services, digital marketing, SEO services and all other internet marketing and services related agencies and businesses.
    Here’s a link if you wish to view the Linoor Documentation
    In case you have already purchased Linoor and you happen to have some questions about it, feel free to visit our Support Center where our support team will be more than glad to help you out.
    Theme Features
    Includes 18 Home versions
    Includes 40+ Inner pages
    Easy Installation and Setup with Demo Content Import
    Live Customizer Options
    Child Theme Added
    WooCommerce Compatibility
    RTL Compatibility
    Tested on real devices
    Fully Responsive Design
    Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker
    CSS3 Animations
    Advance Bootstrap 4 Framework
    Truly SEO Optimized Code
    Cross Browser Compatibility
    W3C Validate Code
    Extensive Documentation
    Fully Customisable & Easy to modify
    Free Quick Support
    All files are well commented
    • Free
  2. Aspire is modern and elegant Elementor Template Kit for SEO & digital marketing agencies.Use this creative template kit for businesses offering social media marketing, seo agency, advertising company, media agency, digital marketing and many more to effortlessly showcase your expertise.
    Elementor Template Kits contain page content for Elementor page builder. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but may be used with most themes that support Elementor.
    Layout Features:
    100% Responsive & Mobile-friendly
    Modern clean design
    Easy to Edit & Customize
    12+ pre-built templates ready to use
    Template kit built with Hello Elementor Theme
    Template Include :
    Service Detail
    Portfolio Detail
    Pricing Plan
    Single Post
    Error 404
    MetForm Newsletter
    MetForm Contact
    Addons installed with kit :
    ElementsKit Lite
    Jeg Elementor Kit
    Skyboot Custom Icons for Elementor
    Images This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.
    How to Use Template Kits: This is not a WordPress Theme. Template kits contain the design data for Elementor only and are installed using the envato Elements plugin for WordPress or directly through Elementor.
    Download your kit file from Envato and do not unzip it. If you use Safari browser you may need to ensure “Open safe files after downloading” is disabled in the browser preferences.
    Go to Settings > Permalinks and ensure Post Name is selected
    Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New and ensure Hello Elementor is installed and activated. This will prompt you to install Elementor if you haven’t already.
    Go to Plugins and ensure Elementor and Envato Elements are installed and at the latest version. If your kit requires Elementor Pro, it must be installed now and connected to your account.
    If you already had Elementor active, go to Elementor > Settings, click Features and ensure Flexbox Container is Active.
    Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click Upload Template Kit Zip (or click your kit to view it)
    Check for the orange banner at the top and click Install Requirements to load any plugins the kit uses. https://envato.d.pr/ughD8Q
    Click import on the Global Kit Styles first. This will setup the site settings.
    Click Import on one template at a time in the order shown. These are stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates and should not be edited directly.
    Creating pages
    Go to Pages and create a new page and click Edit with Elementor
    Click the gear icon at lower-left of the builder to view page settings and choose Elementor Full Width and hide page title
    Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and then Import the page you’d like to customize.
    The home page is set under Settings > Reading by selecting Static Front Page.
    If you have Elementor Pro, headers and footers are customized under Templates > Theme Builder.
    Detailed Guide: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/36033428836889-How-to-Upload-Install-Elementor-Template-Kits-from-Themeforest-to-WordPress
    For further support, go to Elementor > Get Help in WordPress menu.
    How to Import Metforms If you have Elementor Pro, skip install of Metform and form blocks.
    Import the metform block templates
    Import the page template where the form appears and right-click to enable the Navigator
    Locate and select the Metform widget and click Edit Form. Choose New, then Edit Form. The builder will appear
    Click ‘Add Template’ grey folder icon.
    Click ‘My Templates’ tab.
    Choose your imported metform template, then click ‘Insert’ (click No for page settings).
    Once the template is loaded, make any desired customizations and click ‘Update & Close’ The form will appear in the template
    Click Update
    How to setup header in Jeg Elementor Kit plugin If you have Elementor Pro, headers and footers may be customized under Theme Builder.
    Go to Jeg Elementor Kit menu item > Header Template
    Click Add New Header
    Add condition > All Site and click Create
    Click the pencil icon to Edit and elementor will appear
    Click gray folder icon to access My Templates tab
    Insert the header template.
    Customize and Save.
    • Free
  3. Cetalog – Marketing & SEO Agency WordPress Theme
    Cetalog is a bright, eye-catching and minimalistic WordPress theme, that would be a perfect match for SEO companies, digital marketing agencies or any other corporate enterprises. This Theme build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap 5, Elementor, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and so many modern technology. In few words, it is powerful, easy to use multi-purpose Theme. From the first glance, you will be impressed with its trendy and energetic design with smooth transitions and animations. Upon purchase, you will benefit from 3 different homepage designs with 3 header styles, so that you can always have a lot of options to customize your site. Use its options for your website development!. I hope that I have covered everything but if there is something that you would like to know then I am happy to help out.
    Theme is created and tested in all devices and browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, safari and it works perfectly without any issue.
    This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practice of web development and you can create great website layout based on Bootstrap or Grid 1170px.
    If you are looking for a website theme that really maximizes your website’s visitors, then this theme is the perfect choice for you.
    Features Overview
    Drag and drop page builder Elementor:
    Elementor Page Builder for WordPress is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content.
    Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
    Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
    Compatible with Contact form 7:
    Cetalog is compatible with the most powerful and most popular custom contact forms WordPress widget! create your own forms in seconds!
    Child theme compatible : :
    Cetalog enables you to easily override default Theme files using a child theme. It also enables you updating your theme in the safe way!
    Detailed documentation:
    Extensive documentation plus great video guides on how to setup and customize Trucking will make your customizations super easy and fast!
    Touch Friendly:
    Easy browsing on touch devices.
    Demo content included:
    Cetalog is ready to use from the box. Quickly install it via FTP or WordPress and after you activate it you can load demo content. Then you can add your own content on already designed pages.
    One click installation:
    Install Cetalog with our powerful one click installer. Get your site up and running in no time! Quick, easy and rocket fast!
    Responsive & retina ready :
    Look of your website on mobile devices is very important these days. So we made sure Cetalog looks great both on mobile, desktop and retina screens!
    Crossbrowser compatibility:
    Cetalog looks great among all major browsers including IE9+.
    Lifetime Updates and User Support :
    Each purchase of the Theme guarantees you lifetime access to future theme updates at no extra cost. You also get six months of user support with the option of extending this period should you wish.
    Full Features List
    Elementor Page builder
    HTML and Fimga Files included Save $29
    Based on Bootstrap 5.x
    100% Responsive
    Niche Specific WordPress Theme
    WordPress Latest Version Compatibility
    One-click Demo import
    No coding knowledge required
    3 Home Pages
    35+ Custom Elementor Widget
    3 Header Variation
    2 Footer Variation
    SEO Optimized
    Custom Widgets
    Support WP Custumizer
    Header and footer Setting
    Cross Browser Support
    Professional Support
    Regular Updates
    Google Fonts
    Valid HTML5 / CSS3
    Image background
    Easy to customize
    Flexible and multi-purpose
    Google fonts
    Valid HTML5 / CSS3
    HTML & CSS & JS, psd files are included
    Amazing 5 stars support
    Detailed documentation
    • Free
  4. Do you plan to establish your portfolio website? You are in the right spot. Bentofolio – Bentogrid style Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme is developed for a wide range of online professionals, including product designers, writers, designers, web developers, programmers, content creators, photographers, marketers, agencies, startups, small business owners, tech entrepreneurs, creatives, any other professions. Modern and clean theme with a stylish dark style to help you establish a web presence. Includes: Different layouts, Dark and Light, Live UI Switcher Mode, One-Click Demo Import, Transitions page animations, and Elementor Page Builder. No coding skills are required. Creating Personal Portfolio and CV websites should no longer be difficult.
    Bentofolio is 100% responsive and looks great on all screens and devices. Bentofolio combines current, classic, creative, and clean layouts with improved UI UX and is the ideal alternative for your needs. Users will appreciate your website because it provides the best user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). Bentofolio is fully compatible with all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Brave (web Browser), Vivaldi, Internet Explorer 9+, etc.
    Visual Drag & Drop Elementor Page Builder
    Custom Header & Footer Builder
    One Click Demo Install
    Advanced Theme Options
    Compatible with latest WordPress versions
    Kirki Customizer Framework
    16+ Pre-Built Pages(Including Light and Dark)
    Light and Dark layouts With Switcher
    35+ Custom Elementor Widgets
    Powerful Portfolio
    Projects Sliders and Carousels
    Services Listing with Custom Single pages
    Newsletter Subscribe & Contact Forms with CF7 integrations
    Beautiful Animated Carousels with Testimonials, News and Projects
    Sleek and Unique Design
    Creative animations and effects
    Unique About Page layouts
    Blog Archive with Single Blog Pages
    Testimonials Carousel
    Pricing Plans
    Photo Gallery & Lightbox Modals
    404 Page
    Contact Form 7 Plugin Support
    Trendy Bentogrid Design Layout
    Easy Customization
    Advanced Typography
    Font Awesome Fonts Icons
    Google Fonts 1,000+
    Based on Bootstrap 5
    Responsive and Retina Ready
    Amazing Clip Path and Parallax animations
    CSS3 Animations
    W3C Valid Code
    Widgets ready
    Included Demo Content
    Child themes support
    Localization Support (Included .pot file)
    Fast Loading Speed
    Regular Updates
    24/7 Support
    Documentation included
    and more features coming soon!
    File Included:
    16+ HTML Files
    1 Documentation Files
    • Free