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brian aitchison

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About brian aitchison

  • Birthday 04/19/1969

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  1. i do same with the movies as the wowonder 4.3 does not work with movies, so i use playtube, with a button back to wowonder. no login required. use developer app for login same details as wowonder
  2. one way round it, download the montise games. on here, then go to theme u are using and create a link on your sidebar and user bar to the html site. on the gamemonetize create one of the links back to your wowonder over 11000 html games with gametize, it works,
  3. i had the same just change your env site loads. just trying to work out user and pw
  4. who allowed this. more spam junk, then a text file..
  5. do what i did use a company to change your site to apk. type change website to app free. it works well..
  6. @Mahmoud please can u make some sense of this.. i have spent 9 hours looking for install docs.. have u got one that works..please.. and also which v of wowonder this works on.. and can it work on the version for loved date. or becuase of all the updates the apps become useless ty
  7. i have tried that.. it just seems admin is missing.. i install it takes me to client login. but says incorect login details.. i can create a user works fine but anything to do with admin is not there,, i looked at files it says admin is in themes.. but cannot access it.. create a user and change in database to admin role but same problem incorrect details.. change back to user it works,, so admin side is my problem just cannot access any of it
  8. i have installed activated. how do u login to admin panel.. i can create user and login but it is saying wrong login details on the login page.. were is admin login please
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