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About 845961547ak

  • Birthday 03/04/2019

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  1. 845961547ak

    PHP Books

    PHP Books Nowadays there are many online tools that are used to create websites from scratch, and all of them have been directed to people who do not have the slightest idea what programming is, they simply have to place images, click here, click there, and that’s it, you have a website created. However, behind these tools there is a programming language, which is called PHP, and is responsible for thousands of pages that exist on the Internet. It has the particularity of being free license, which indicates that any programmer can use it for free for specific purposes. It is oriented only to the creation of pages, to its optimization, and adaptation of dynamic elements such as two and three dimensional animations, insertion of videos, etc. 17) PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP5 Mario Lurig ReadDownload 18) PHP Tutorial From beginner to master IT present ReadDownload 19) PHP Programming Cardiff University ReadDownload
  2. Objetive-C Books Among the programming languages there are many that are Mac-oriented, but among the most prominent is Objective-C which is used in most of the applications used in Apple. It is based on a language derived from C, with the difference that it has been given the ability of object oriented programming, something very similar to what was done with C++. For every programmer, handling Objective-C represents an attraction in its abilities, since it opens doors in the immense world of open source, which has become one of the most popular due to its freedoms of use. You can basically develop anything you want, from applications to programs. 15) Objective-C for Experienced Programmers (Presentation) Venkat Subramaniam ReadDownload 16) Introduction to Objective-C (Presentation) Kenneth M. Anderson ReadDownload
  3. 845961547ak

    Java Books

    Java Books What is Java? It is one of the most known programming languages, its use is practically universal, if you have a computer you need to have Java installed, otherwise many applications will not work. It is used to create applications and processes in many devices, including Android and IOS, but that is extremely little, its usefulness goes much further, to the point of being used in household appliances as well. Knowledge of Java is very useful, since in today’s programming world there are many things you can do, from creating computer-oriented games, to specific programs that benefit third parties. It is also used by many programmers to create small applications that can be inserted into the HTML code of a page, so that it can be executed from a browser. 9) Introduction to Programming Using Java David J. Eck ReadDownload https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xuA_3CUMtlzIKmZYQ6SbNspIXBUi4RQE/view?usp=sharing
  4. The Small Business Online Marketing Guide Description: A small guide booklet from a Marketer from the Google. A good informative book. Topics Covered: Why you should be marketing online? Case Studies: How happy hound gets 90% of its sales online 10 things you can do today to boost your online marketing Worksheet: How you can get started? Author: Brynn Zuccaro Pages: 20 Download link: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/www.google.com/en//ads/pdfs/small_business_online_marketing_guide.pdf So, this is a list of free digital marketing eBook PDF available for download. I hope you find at least a couple of them interesting. If you seriously want to learn and implement digital marketing, you can join STAENZ Academy. We offer 3 months online digital marketing course covering more than 40 modules. Practical sessions from Sanjeev Sir includes 100+ practice hours, Live doubt clearing sessions and concept clarity. Well, regarding the books let me know in the comment area, which one you are reading today. Also, if you have suggestions for any other free books that our readers can benefit from, let me know in the comments section. Happy reading!
  5. Authors: Unknown Publisher: Lyfe Marketing Page: 60 Points Covered: Building customer avatar Developing long term assets Short term strategies Lead nurturing Website hub, etc. Download link: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Digital-Marketing-Strategy-eBook.pdf
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