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PHP Books


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PHP Books

Nowadays there are many online tools that are used to create websites from scratch, and all of them have been directed to people who do not have the slightest idea what programming is, they simply have to place images, click here, click there, and that’s it, you have a website created.

However, behind these tools there is a programming language, which is called PHP, and is responsible for thousands of pages that exist on the Internet. It has the particularity of being free license, which indicates that any programmer can use it for free for specific purposes.

It is oriented only to the creation of pages, to its optimization, and adaptation of dynamic elements such as two and three dimensional animations, insertion of videos, etc.

17) PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP5

Mario Lurig


18) PHP Tutorial From beginner to master

IT present


19) PHP Programming

Cardiff University



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