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  1. @Mahmoud See fix for /public_html/resources/views/templates/install/index.twig on line 4 {% set ip = ip is defined ? ip : 'unknown' %} {% set version = version is defined ? version : 'unknown' %} {% set xdata %} installer(`{{ version }}`, `{{ ip }}`) {% endset %} {% extends "/layouts/base.twig" %} {% block title p__('title', 'Installation')|title %} {% block layout %} <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-col max-w-2xl gap-10 mx-auto"> {% include "snippets/install/header.twig" %} <div class="box" data-density="comfortable" x-ref="loading"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-2 text-center"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 50 50" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" class="spinner" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M25.251,6.461c-10.318,0-18.683,8.365-18.683,18.683h4.068c0-8.071,6.543-14.615,14.615-14.615V6.461z"> <animateTransform attributeType="xml" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 25 25" to="360 25 25" dur="0.6s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform> </path> </svg> <span class="text-xs text-content-dimmed"> {{ __('Initializing...') }} </span> </div> </div> <div class="box" data-density="comfortable" x-cloak> {% set steps = ['welcome', 'requirements', 'license', 'db', 'migration', 'account', 'success', 'failure'] %} {% for step in steps %} <template x-if="step == '{{ step }}'"> {% include "snippets/install/" ~ step ~ ".twig" %} </template> {% endfor %} </div> <div class="text-xs leading-5 text-content-dimmed"> Made by humans on Planet Earth. <br> &copy; {{ "now"|date("Y") }} <a href="https://aikeedo.com" target="_blank">Aikeedo</a>. All rights reserved. </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <script src="assets/install.js?v={{ version }}"></script> {% endblock %} However sad to say it was not properly nulled.
  2. See fix for /public_html/resources/views/templates/install/index.twig on line 4 {% set ip = ip is defined ? ip : 'unknown' %} {% set version = version is defined ? version : 'unknown' %} {% set xdata %} installer(`{{ version }}`, `{{ ip }}`) {% endset %} {% extends "/layouts/base.twig" %} {% block title p__('title', 'Installation')|title %} {% block layout %} <div class="container"> <div class="flex flex-col max-w-2xl gap-10 mx-auto"> {% include "snippets/install/header.twig" %} <div class="box" data-density="comfortable" x-ref="loading"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center gap-2 text-center"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="32px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 50 50" style="enable-background:new 0 0 50 50;" class="spinner" xml:space="preserve"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M25.251,6.461c-10.318,0-18.683,8.365-18.683,18.683h4.068c0-8.071,6.543-14.615,14.615-14.615V6.461z"> <animateTransform attributeType="xml" attributeName="transform" type="rotate" from="0 25 25" to="360 25 25" dur="0.6s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform> </path> </svg> <span class="text-xs text-content-dimmed"> {{ __('Initializing...') }} </span> </div> </div> <div class="box" data-density="comfortable" x-cloak> {% set steps = ['welcome', 'requirements', 'license', 'db', 'migration', 'account', 'success', 'failure'] %} {% for step in steps %} <template x-if="step == '{{ step }}'"> {% include "snippets/install/" ~ step ~ ".twig" %} </template> {% endfor %} </div> <div class="text-xs leading-5 text-content-dimmed"> Made by humans on Planet Earth. <br> &copy; {{ "now"|date("Y") }} <a href="https://aikeedo.com" target="_blank">Aikeedo</a>. All rights reserved. </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <script src="assets/install.js?v={{ version }}"></script> {% endblock %} However sad to say it was not properly nulled.
  3. Please update: Version 3.5 – 29 July, 2023 [Added] Option to create custom smart filters. [Added] Option to bookmark any smart filter and access the bookmarks by single click. [Added] Remember lastly selected smart filter and auto apply the filter on next visit. [Added] Smart filter added on tasks list & kanban, projects list, client list, leads list & kanban and tickets list page. [Added] New option in invoice to create credit note. [Added] New filter in the invoice list to see invoice/credit note. [Added] Option to set taxable/non-taxable item on invoice. [Added] Option to add general tasks in different contexts. [Added] Reminders in the invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal and contract details page. [Added] Tasks tab in invoice, order, subscription, estimate, proposal, contract and tickets details page. [Added] Public page for the store. [Added] Store setting to enable/disable the public store page. [Added] Store setting to accept orders before login. [Added] Store setting to accept payment after submitting order. [Added] New settings to add new project status. [Added] New settings to set time with task start date and deadline. [Added] Option set task start time and deadline with time in the task add/edit modal and task details view. [Added] Invoice yearly, monthly and custom summary reports. [Added] Added expenses yearly, monthly and custom summary reports. [Added] Added expenses yearly bar chart report. [Added] Added expenses category wise pie chart report. [Added] Project summary report based on team members. [Added] Project summary report based on clients. [Added] Leads to client conversion monthly bar chart report, lead source wise report and owner wise report. [Added] Leads summary report based on team members. [Added] Ticket statistics monthly chart report. [Added] The owner field in leads import from an excel file. [Added] Notes tab in team members details page. [Added] New role permissions for activate/deactivate and delete team members. [Added] Option to create labels for clients and leads. [Added] Label filter in the client list, leads list and leads Kanban page. [Added] New general settings option to set custom landing page. [Added] Notifications for subscription started and subscription invoice creation. [Added] Start date filter in the projects list. [Added] Support custom domain for stripe payment. [Added] Added breadcrumbs in knowledge base posts. [Added] 3 new email templates. [Added] 8 new notifications for general task events. [Added] New option to create full width custom pages. [Added] New option to create top bar less custom page. [Added] New settings to set custom top menu in the public pages. [Added] Task edit/delete option in the global task list. [Added] Show the company switching option in mobile view in the client portal. [Added] Task settings option to support 0 in task points. [Added] Cleanup function to remove old session data by cron job. [Updated] Invoice, order, estimate, proposal, contract, subscription and ticket details page design. [Updated] Prevent editing of invoice/order/estimate/proposal/contract after certain state. [Updated] Upgraded codeigniter to latest v4.3.6. [Updated] Upgraded pusher library to latest version. [Updated] Improve the invoice overview and other widgets loading time. [Updated] The Reports submenus are deleted and moved to the top bar of the Reports page. [Updated] The design of filters on all pages. [Updated] Updated the events widget design. [Updated] Design of knowledge base pages. [Updated] Improved IMAP checking speed. [Updated] Google API client to latest version. [Updated] Moved footer settings to a tab beside the general settings. [Updated] Hide unnecessary settings of disabled modules. [Updated] Don’t show more than 100 rows in table for server side filtering tables. [Fixed] Task comments pdf attachment preview. [Fixed] Recurring task creation is not working. [Fixed] Can’t remember lastly selected dashboard. [Fixed] Sometimes the email sent from address is missing in the email settings page. [Fixed] Error in max file size checking. [Fixed] Events widget is not showing all upcoming events. [Fixed] Sometimes the project task deadline reminder is not working. [Fixed] Dashboard widget height for mobile view. [Fixed] Google calendar doesn’t show multi day event correctly. [Fixed] Text after % is not working in description. [Fixed] Multiple image uploading is not working in rich text editor. [Fixed] Orders sort is not working by ID [Fixed] Public invoice URL is not working in recurring invoice email. [Fixed] Reminder saving error when there is any google calendar integration. [Fixed] RISE shared events are changing to private because of google calendar integration [Fixed] Send invoices and contracts using recipient user’s language [Fixed] Don’t show inactive category/articles in the knowledge base. [Fixed] First billing date is not working with subscription. [Fixed] Don’t show time in the calendar event if don’t have any time. [Fixed] Add invoice payment modal shows wrong decimal separator. [Fixed] Ticket assign bug for some non-admin users. [Fixed] Modal closing bug when editing a link (summernote) from any modal.
  4. Please update: Change-log Version 2.0.6 NEWLazyLoad images. NEWControl option Premium/Regular template for AI Writers. NEWAmazonS3 Storage option. TWEAKPayments look for live instead of sandbox first. FIXAI Image not working for some cases. FIXpt_BR language not selectable. FIXStableDiffusion settings are not saving. FIXUser dashboard overview wrong data.
  5. Please update: Version 2.0 NEWPaypal & Stripe webhooks. NEWKazakh Language support. NEWTyping effect. When creating content from now on, you will see an typing effect. NEWCopy chat button. Copy your chat content with a single click. NEWOpenAI stream option. You can choose how to stream: Backend/Frontend. NEWBlog Posts! Enhance your online presence and share your thoughts with the world. NEWEmail Template Editor. Now there is an area where you can manage your email templates through the panel. NEWSite Health: Copy server details and logs feature. TWEAKEnable/Disable option for PreHeader. TWEAKLanguages: Improved Translation process and desgin. You can manage the default languages on the dashboard now! TWEAKCustom template category deletion. TWEAKAdded real names to Voiceover voices for better usage. TWEAKHide image tokents left when disable Image generation feature. TWEAKAllow special characters for custom templates. TWEAKHide language switcher button when active one language. TWEAKEnglish corrections. FIXLayout responsive issues. FIXAI Writer categories cannot be removed. FIXBlock access if user has no credit. FIXAffiliate code empty for Social Login. FIXRemaining tokens chart wrong data. FIXSocial Login not working for some cases. FIXCustom template page-subtitle showing wrong description.
  6. PLS UPDATE TO 1.3.3 LAST VERSION Version 1.3.3 – June 14 2023 - NEW FEATURE: Sending custom offers to freelancers - NEW FEATURE: Ability to attach files in custom offers form - NEW FEATURE: Commission from custom offers from freelancer and employer - NEW FEATURE: Ability to enable/disable user social media accounts - NEW FEATURE: Admin can now (read/delete) messages between users in live chat - NEW FEATURE: Admin can now reject gigs - NEW FEATURE: New profile page design - NEW FEATURE: You can now enabled/disable application debug mode from dashboard - NEW FEATURE: New payment gateways - NEW FEATURE: User can set timezone and city now - NEW FEATURE: Ability to set the maximum skills from dashboard when posting a project - FIXED: cannot add review for same gig from different orders - FIXED: levels not being updated - FIXED: No email notification for admin when an id verification is pending - FIXED: XSS issue in search - FIXED: issue while downloading attachments in live chat - FIXED: dark mode issues - FIXED: footer languages menu not working - FIXED: sitemap issue - FIXED: design and content issues - FIXED other issues - UPDATED: Upgraded to Laravel 10 - UPDATED: dependecies and packages
  7. Can someone please update to: Version 1.4.0 NEWAdded infinite word and image tokens when creating plans. NEWAdded the ability to send test emails. NEWAdded Site Health feature. NEWAdded feature for active-passive management, allowing users to toggle between active and passive modes for various AI capabilities: AI Writer, AI Image, AI Chat, AI Code, AI Speech to text, affiliates. NEWImplemented a new UI design, providing a fresh and updated look and feel to enhance the user experience. The new design includes improved aesthetics, intuitive navigation, and enhanced usability. NEWIntroduced the ability to create custom chatbots, allowing users to design and configure chatbots according to their specific needs and preferences. NEWImplemented a sticky header on mobile devices, providing users with a consistent navigation experience as they scroll through the page on their mobile devices. NEWAdded a sticky header logo to the landing page, ensuring that the logo remains visible and easily accessible as users scroll through the page. NEWAdded the option for Chatbot training via JSON. NEWChatbot training included examples for better understanding and guidance. NEWImplemented the Chatbot Avatar feature, allowing users to customize the appearance of their chatbots. NEWIntroduced a language dropdown on the landing page, enabling users to select their preferred language for a more personalized experience. NEWMultiple Gateway structure (Only stripe works for now) NEWSandbox support (fields) on Development mode NEWMembership plans generate required product id and price id values in all enabled gateways on save dynamically. NEWActivating gateway triggers generating all membership plans product ids dynamically in saved gateway. NEWAdded info area below save button on membership plan edit page to show created data. NEWAdded Translate Strings Feature. You can now edit new translation strings and new language options on the dashboard. FIXFixed an issue where extra fields were being removed from the plans section. FIXResolved the problem of being redirected to the dashboard upon deleting an image. FIXFixed the issue where the admin dashboard image counter always displayed zero. FIXResolved the problem of replicated options when adding a plan. FIXFixed the issue where prepaid payments were not properly filling the stripe settings. FIXAddressed the problem where the lightbox did not load upon image creation. FIXFixed the issue of ignoring the generated content language. FIXRecognized user inputs correctly for custom templates. FIXMade the image generator fields visible in dark mode. FIXResolved the issue with the chat welcoming message dot. FIXFixed the styling of alerts. FIXAddressed the problem with the S.E.O. settings not functioning. FIXImproved the form fields by changing them from select boxes to on-off switches. FIXFixed the ticket user interface. FIXResolved the issue with the default tone of voice selection not working. FIXFixed the document blink issue in dark mode. FIXAddressed chat issues and improved responses. FIXReorganized the settings. FIXPrice table badge width is adjusted. FIXResolved responsibility issues. FIXCancelling subscription deletes all tokens ( including pack tokens bought before ). Now only subtracts amounts defined in plan. FIXRenamed "Credit" to "Token", "Prepaid Plans" to "Token Packs" FIXImproved the page titles for better dashboard. FIXLogo width issue on the dashboard. FIXFix: Dark logo does not appear on the Login Screen. Thanks in advance
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