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Bicrypto v3.7.0 + All Plugins ×


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Everything posted by CyberGuru

  1. Hi @Mahmoud, can you pls update to the latest version which is V 1.32.0? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi @Mahmoud, the download server seems to be down and not working. Can you pls change the download server?
  3. Can you pls re-upload this? All mirrored links for download are not working. Thanks very much.
  4. Name: Agris - SaaS platform script for agriculture 3.5.0 [Extended License] Version: 3.5.0 Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/agris-saas-platform-script-for-agriculture/35942160
  5. Name: WhatsApp Food - SAAS WhatsApp Ordering Version: 6.3.0 Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/whatsapp-food-saas-whatsapp-ordering/30278921
  6. Doniacloud redirects to a 404 error page. Kindly fix it. Can you pls upload Version 6.3.0? Thanks.
  7. Hi @Mahmoud, This script is not nulled. Pls, I'd suggest you should be indicating untouched files as "NOT NULLED" or "UNTOUCHED" just like you do attach "NULLED" to nulled ones. This will also enhance people to decide if they'll pay for its nulled version before they download it and later got to know that it's not nulled. Thanks.
  8. Hi Mahmud, pls update the download links are not working. Thanks.
  9. Blanco | Personal Portfolio and Blog Laravel Script I'm looking for: v1.7 https://codecanyon.net/item/blanco-personal-portfolio-and-blog-laravel-script/39075460
  10. @Vin Xithyl Pls, upload the previous install of CMS Pro 5.5. so I can upgrade to 5.8 or you have an already nulled version of 5.8?
  11. @Mahmoud, Pls, the file is no more available on the hosting sites again. Can you pls upload it here or to mega?
  12. @samarpatel13 Thanks for the script. Can you pls upload the latest version?
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