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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×


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  1. In the player folder we have a 9 files in it which one are working on it, and which line of code a we changing for the server 1 streaming link for ( movies and TV)
  2. Server 1 Recommended fast and free ads Gives you this info when you click on:: " We're Sorry! We can't find the video it may be uploading, please try again in a few minutes or try other servers below. " How do you solve this
  3. @Anticheat please if you have the plugin zip them and share, because plugins can't be installed. If you have Already installed the theme and plugins.
  4. Up@Mahmoud a friend wanted to buy the latest version from fr0zen and feels like He wanted to scam him, because he asked for the surety after payment and got mad. Attached is a screenshot of their chat https://fr0zen.on.crisp.email/go/chat/resume/?target_url=http%3A%2F%2Ffr0zen.store%2F&session_id=session_000400ab-7915-4c08-bd7f-cd8b7caa9ec8
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