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About robensy

  • Birthday 07/14/1967

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  1. I do not understand why this script is no longer updated, or sent to Mahmoud many times to reply because it does not update valexa, without ever a reply, we have purchased this script, it is not right not to reply.
  2. Sorry Mahmoud, there have been 2 updates after valexa v3.0.0, just wanted to know if you will do this latest update, thanks for your reply.

    1. Mahmoud


      I already have the update and will upload it

    2. robensy
  3. New Features v3.1.0 Export data (transactions, products, users …) Chatbox (Twat, Getgist and others) Push notification Amazon S3 storage Wasabi storage Direct download and upload link for main files and preview files (video / audio) Direct download links based, optionally, on the user IP or user ID and an expiration time Masonry layout Minimum price per product make products available via subscriptions only Selling CD keys, accounts and licenses First Valexa template with new design Maintenance and Coming soon pages (customizable + schedule mode) Enable / Disable email verification Reactions on comments (like, love, sad, angry …) Add / Edit translations from the administration Create and send custom payment links Captcha (Google reCaptcha and PHP native) Create CD keys, accounts and licenses in bulk Enable / Disable recently viewed items Cookie (customizable) Pricing products based on different licenses (regular, extended, ...) Table of contents for eBooks Generating peaks for audios products “Pay what you want” Additional fields for products Omise payment gateway Payhere payment gateway Paymentwall payment gateway Spankpay payment gateway Authorize.net payment gateway Send custom notifications to users Track which items users are looking for
  4. Hi everyone, after the ugrade v2.0.1 to v3.0.0 someone solved the Error 500 problem when creating or modifying a product? if and yes thanks for the answer and the help.
  5. Hi Mahmoud, I wanted to ask you if this script has also been updated for other Bags, as the script producer also explains, with this system, https://valexa.codemayer.net/dl/ Because or made the upgrade, it works but to many problems, for example, to mention a problem, in Admin, the list of products can only be seen on the first page, if you try to access the second page of the loaded products, the page remains blank . thanks for your answer.
  6. I'm sorry but I don't. Mahmoud assured me that he is preparing the new version, soon the poster, you just need to be patient.
  7. great script, but there are too many bags, hope Mahmoud updates to the latest version of 4 October 20 v2.0.1 thank you
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