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Bicrypto v4.0.7 + All Plugins ×


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Everything posted by abdokl

  1. i have a problème white storefront does not appear i get this BadMethodCallException Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::links does not exist. (View: /home/c1741821c/public_html/core/resources/views/user/product/view-store.blade.php)
  2. please aswer me i need this script 1,are you provide future update of this script & if this is the latest version ? 2, i test your demo link but the single charge link & donation pages not work when i do the payment i get a error i need to know if they work properly in your version
  3. i want to buy this script but i need to know if i can install it in a shared hosting and if you can help me if i got a problem during installation ?
  4. Hi i have the Pro Notifications Pack for this script if is possible we can exchange you give me the extended version of this script & i give you the pro pack notification
  5. if i purchase this script i will get the saas version with all module payment and coupon ? and how about update ( actuel version is 1.7.3 ) please answer my question
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