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  1. View File MegaFaucet - Crypto Faucet Script ( Only a few Bugs ) But 90% work. Required PHP Extensions: BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Recommended Hosting: cPanel Hosting is recommended for optimal performance and ease of use. Additional PHP Extensions (for enhanced functionality and performance): PHP MySQLi extension PHP curl extension Web Server Requirement: Apache rewrite module: Ensure that the Apache server has the rewrite module enabled for clean URL routing. These requirements are essential for the proper functioning of the script and to ensure it runs smoothly on the hosting environment. It's important to meet these prerequisites to avoid compatibility issues and to provide the best user experience for your website visitors. How To Install: Submitter ScriptsHub.info Submitted 10/20/2023 Category Scripts Demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PwIeF4DJ0M&ab_channel=ScriptsHub
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Required PHP Extensions: BCMath PHP Extension Ctype PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension JSON PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Recommended Hosting: cPanel Hosting is recommended for optimal performance and ease of use. Additional PHP Extensions (for enhanced functionality and performance): PHP MySQLi extension PHP curl extension Web Server Requirement: Apache rewrite module: Ensure that the Apache server has the rewrite module enabled for clean URL routing. These requirements are essential for the proper functioning of the script and to ensure it runs smoothly on the hosting environment. It's important to meet these prerequisites to avoid compatibility issues and to provide the best user experience for your website visitors. How To Install:
  3. sys/system.php line 32
  4. View File Images Host A lightweight image hosting script that is written in php 7.0 With this script, you can earn money on advertising banners, links, etc. When uploading images, they give a link to a picture or bb code that can be inserted into a forum supporting functionality. There is authorization via uLogin (omg), after logging in, you can find all the uploaded images. Submitter BunnyFlex Submitted 09/09/2023 Category Scripts Demo  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    A lightweight image hosting script that is written in php 7.0 With this script, you can earn money on advertising banners, links, etc. When uploading images, they give a link to a picture or bb code that can be inserted into a forum supporting functionality. There is authorization via uLogin (omg), after logging in, you can find all the uploaded images.
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