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Bicrypto v4.5.0 + All Plugins


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  1. TIGER CODE YT changed their profile photo
  2. This is Not Nulled You can Nulled this script by just changing few lines of code Script\Application\vironeer\License\app\Http\Controllers\InstallController.php change the line from 105 to 135 and replace with this code after change this line of code you can use Pas_2312@ as your License code it will work 100% or replace the attach file with current file and use Pas_2312@ as your code Enjoy public function licenceAction(Request $request) { if (!in_array(parse_url(url('/'))['host'], ['localhost', ''])) { if (empty($request->purchase_code) && $request->purchase_code !== 'Pas_2312@') { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Purchase code is required']); } if ($request->purchase_code !== 'Pas_2312@' && !preg_match("/^([a-f0-9]{8})-(([a-f0-9]{4})-){3}([a-f0-9]{12})$/i", $request->purchase_code)) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Invalid purchase code']); } if ($request->purchase_code === 'Pas_2312@') { setEnv('LICENCE_TYPE', 'special'); setEnv('VIRONEER_LICENCE', 1); return redirect()->route('install.information.database'); } try { $purchaseCode = $request->purchase_code; $website = url('/'); $symbol = config('vironeer.item.alias'); $version = config('vironeer.item.version'); $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $request = $client->get(config('vironeer.api.license') . "?purchaseCode={$purchaseCode}&website={$website}&symbol={$symbol}&version={$version}"); $response = json_decode($request->getBody()); if ($response->status == "error") { return redirect()->back()->withErrors([$response->message]); } setEnv('LICENCE_TYPE', $response->data->licence_type); setEnv('VIRONEER_LICENCE', 1); return redirect()->route('install.information.database'); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['Request error, please try again']); } } else { setEnv('VIRONEER_LICENCE', 1); return redirect()->route('install.information.database'); } } InstallController.php