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Bicrypto v4.4.2 + All Plugins ×

Mr Vibes

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    @steve macharia it gives me the same error as well, have you gotten a way to bypass it?
  1. @tony host is it still working? i will like to install this script now
    how do i locate the env file to change the database information i am having trouble doing so
    so many questions like 1. what is the admin url 2. where can i find the conexao.php to configure 3. Can the primary language be changed from portugese to English? 4. how do i set up the admin url and login
  2. i installed it fully user side works can't access the admin shows error, even though password is correct, i have tried changing the php version so many times, please tell me how to fix the issue
  3. i am experiencing issues with the admin login page. i thought i could get the admin login password from the database in phpmyadmin Please help
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