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Dev Patel

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  1. @jefersonib same issue!!! in my testing domain it’s sending all the msg so, transferring entirely websites and databases clone in to production domain!!! but here all WhatsApp msg sending failed and unable to login via Facebook app!!! can anyone share details how to resolve this issue? that will be helpful for all others members!!!
  2. Hello, If img not sending then the solution is website/setting/disable hotlink protection. Does anyone provide solutions for the watermark in Waziper? I copy the module from stackposts social media tools work perfectly but in WhatsApp msg it sends without a watermark image.... can anyone provide working solutions for the watermark in WhatsApp msg that will be a big help to over here all members....
  3. Please verify you are a human to Download: after that unable to download file
  4. Please verify you are a human to Download: after that unable to download the file
  5. @jefersonib is this img msg send working for you? how to resolve this issue?
  6. Dear all, please find waziper rest api v.5.0.1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/ohvu58lqt3rrlai/Whatsapp_api.zip/file copy folder into inc/core enjoy also sharing credit for the same and help me in waziper v.5.0.1 img msg not sending solutions.
  7. @new new Install PHP 8.0 MYSQL 8.0 then App store/php 8.0 / setting/configuration memory_limit = 512M or higher ( Importance) upload_max_size = 512M post_max_size = 512M upload_max_filesize = 512M max_execution_time = 60 max_input_time = 500 max_connections = 200 max_user_connections = 200 wait_timeout = 180 max_allowed_packet = 512M then Install extensions imagemagick exif xsl pgsql pgsql ssh run following cmd / sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get install libnss3-dev libatk-bridge2.0-dev libcups2-dev libxkbcommon-dev libgtk-3-dev curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | sudo -E bash - sudo npm i -g pm2 pm2 startup pm2 startup systems systemctl status pm2-root.service pm2 save --force root folder / create waziper folder Cron setup : sh -c 'cd /root/waziper && node app' Restart server
  8. Working QR, but there are some bugs, 1. Contact import from CSV - Example templates not download 2. img with text msg not working, img with watermark also not working 3. button msg sending shows in its own msg history but the entire msg does not show in the receiver msg history. 4. chatbot not working 5. if upload a pdf in the message then it sends, if we upload that first in the file manager then it's not shown in the msg media selection. 6. only img also not send. 7. customized msg with name and param's not test becz not provide full details, how to use it, rest of test someone and provide some working solutions Tested in iPhone 12 Pro max
  9. Dear All, can anyone share the inc/core/WhatsApp file over here? Because without WhatsApp it's nothing!!! or share the full nulled version of Waziper!!! Thanks
  10. It's without whatsapp because of an installation process bypass. if it's Waziper script then it must be installation done then only whatsapp option will be available after the auto database creates. you can try to nulled the installation process only if you know stackpost licence system, like PHP Licenser. all are copy scrips from babi-ato and modified some code only. and share its nulled version? server waziper.js is also not nulled.
  11. After 4 step finish installation, it's stuck and loading only, no database is created in the background.
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